It is highly inliklu that a large world power (US china russia) would us nukes in combat to much risk of global destruction most likely any world way would be a conventional war and wmds would not likly be used. If a nuke was used it would likely be met with an equal retaliation and that would end the war
If a massive zombie outbreak appeared in a single city, and had been contained to that city and the US government had no other option, I don't doubt they'd use nuclear warfare to eliminate the threat.
Couldn't agree more. People these days, I feel, see only the glamorized parts of war and we forget the pain and agony and struggle an sorrow and death that TRULY happens it war.
People who like to fantasize about a Zombie Apocalypse do so because the fun part about playing a game or watching a film or TV show about zombies is figuring out all the things that you'd do right rather than the characters who tend to do things wrong. Plus if it's your fantasy you've got your loved ones covered. I don't know anyone who fantasizes about World War 3 though.
I most certaily dont want either. The zombie apocalypse is creepy as hell. Think about it: it is a senario where, if you lose, your body is used against ur friends. Ww3 is just too destructive, and likely most will die senselessly.
WW3 would also most likely be highly technological, and as a lot of important information is stored on computers, people would attack those. Imagine people shitting down the internet in your country. What would happen?
I once had to sit through an entire 1hr30mins science lesson wherin my lab partner asked me what I wanted to do when I grew up. I said,
"No idea yet."
She said,
"Ok, Ok, you can't tell anyone this ok?"
(I wasn't her friend at the time)
"... I want to be in a war."
Me: "What?!"
Her: "Well I've been reading and watching war documentaries and it just seems really cool. I LOVE WW2!"
I stared at her incredulously.
Me: "You realise that there's a huge war going on right now in Afghanistan?"
Her: "Yeah... But it's just not... BIG enough, you know?"
She droned on and on about how fabulous war and reading about war was. When I asked her why she wanted to be in one, she said,
"I dunno..."
It made me sick. My thoughts go out to everyone affected by wars, and I hope that the fighting stops. Kill or be killed is not the answer.
War is not glorious, your honour is not summed up by a lack of medals on your chest. The fighting between nations, or within nations, is a hideous crime.
i agree 10,000% with you. i'm also worried about *why* she would think it's cool, or why this war is "not big enough". i don't think she fully understands what people went through during world war 2
I don't think anyone wants a WW3 but I know a lot of people who are obsessed about zombies (including me). First of all I don't really have sympathy for humans. Yes I love my family but it won't bother me that much if they die. Second I don't think using photos from WW1 and 2 is very realistic, like one_unknown_enigma said, there is a war in Afghanistan or Syria or Ukraine, so why not use photos from those. But anyways yes I also hope none of these, even though I wish for a zombie apoc.
· 10 years ago
"Yes I love my family but it won't bother me that much if they die."
Not quite sure that's a love most people would relate to - most people would be very much bothered if their loved ones died.
And why do you wish for a zombie apocalypse?
i've thought of this too, why would you look forward to any kind of war? why would you want people to die - because ultimately that's what's going to happen.
Get real, if zombies broke out the army would simply take care of it before they spread. Seriously, if a zombie epidemic or whatnot happened in a city the city would be quarantined, the problem dealt with in a matter of weeks.
"No idea yet."
She said,
"Ok, Ok, you can't tell anyone this ok?"
(I wasn't her friend at the time)
"... I want to be in a war."
Me: "What?!"
Her: "Well I've been reading and watching war documentaries and it just seems really cool. I LOVE WW2!"
I stared at her incredulously.
Me: "You realise that there's a huge war going on right now in Afghanistan?"
Her: "Yeah... But it's just not... BIG enough, you know?"
She droned on and on about how fabulous war and reading about war was. When I asked her why she wanted to be in one, she said,
"I dunno..."
It made me sick. My thoughts go out to everyone affected by wars, and I hope that the fighting stops. Kill or be killed is not the answer.
War is not glorious, your honour is not summed up by a lack of medals on your chest. The fighting between nations, or within nations, is a hideous crime.
Not quite sure that's a love most people would relate to - most people would be very much bothered if their loved ones died.
And why do you wish for a zombie apocalypse?