I'm a woman and it sincerely annoyes me when "feminists" do that... especially because being overweight can bring a lot of health problems and shouldn't be something that is viewed as possitive. They make more damage than helpful actions.
A big booty doesn't necessarily equal curves. A curvy woman has a waist that is clearly (though not unhealthily) narrower than her butt and chest, and most importantly curvy women have absolutely no thigh gap. Curvy women often have a bigger butt than most, but they're not usually considered curvy if they have what is considered a big booty (like in BBW porn).
the leading cause of death for women in the US in 2010 was heart disease. feeding your face into an early grave is not loving yourself. when you love your children you don't give them everything they want because you know this will ruin any chance of happiness for them. its no different with your body. respecting your body is accepting its limitations while taking care of it the best you can and challenging it to be be better.
That first picture isn't exactly curvy. The girl still has a small stomach. Don't get me wrong she does have curves. But i wouldn't classify it as "curvy". Because women who are curvy have a fuller stomach and thighs. Someone like Christina Hendericks, or something along that body type is what i'd define as curvy personally. I'm not saying Christina Hendericks has a fat stomach, it just isn't as skinny as the woman above. It's...curvy! But yes, as a women I hate when feminazis think being morbidly obese is ok and men have to just "accept us!" And if you don't your a bigot.
Well I believe that scientifically why men prefer curving women is because people used to die more often of childbirth than they do now. Women with small waists and large hips can deliver the baby more safely with less risk of dying because they have more room for their vagina to stretch. They prefer women with bigger boobs because they can provide more milk for babies.
Purely biologically speaking, curvy women are the most sexy. That is, most men unconsciously feel more sexually attracted to curvy women than skinny or fat women. Just like female deer prefer the males with the biggest horns, male humans naturally prefer female humans with wider hips and thighs.
Feminism should really include loving yourself. But this means taking care of yourself. You'll be much happier and healthier if you get all of that weight off.
It's not fucking feminists who define fat as curvy, it's most overweight women (who aren't necessarily feminists)! I agree with the premise that curvy isn't the same as obese though
· 10 years ago
eh the definiton is a bit off, I like my women a little more curvy but not too curvy that its wavy
As someone who has a thigh gap by accident just because im naturally skinny and would like to be more curvy, what really hurts me about fs is that there are always comments about how girls shouldnt have thigh gaps because it is unnatractive. People go on and on defending people who think they need thight gaps but dont realise they offend others..:(
Well, if it makes you feel better, i don't think thight gaps are ugly... i thibk it's unhealthy to obsess over them when being curvy is nice, but skinny is nice to (if you don't obsess/starve yourself to be so)
· 10 years ago
How about we all stop judging women based solely on physical appearance. Can we at least try that?!
I think that men should go for whatever they prefer, but know that girls don't usually look like the one on the left
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This is the best representation I can think of