And the abbreviation for this "group" is CoMAA... probably pronounced coma... Something you'd have to be in, to be this brain dead to believe.
Looks like it's the new "Satanic Panic."
I believe that this specific instance is troll satire... but that doesn't mean that they don't actually exist.
I believe that this piece is poking fun at them.
First off, anime is Japanese, not Chinese. Second, that whole 60% thing, you just pulled out of your ass. Third, hentai and anime are different things. (Hentai is porn, anime is cartoons) an ma'am, if you have something agents forgin (spelling?) cartoons, good for you. No one cares what you have to say. Stop trying to pull a westboro and say bull shit hoping people will believe you. End rant
hahahahhahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahaha oh yeah! sure! that'll stop me hahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaahhahaaha this sounds like something i would do as a joke bwahahahaha omfg!! hahaha
Wolf's Rain was freakin' depressing man.
Looks like it's the new "Satanic Panic."
I believe that this piece is poking fun at them.