I found this whole website that was against lefties because its a sin, apparently. Saying we'd rot in hell because we want to be "different" for attention. I wanted to punch the creator of it in the face...with my left fist(southpaws for the win!)
I think I read somewhere that people just to think left handed people was possesed or sth. But u dont have to believe me, im not sure and its ridiculous jaja
A whole lot of cultures actually believe(d) that being left-handed is evil. A whole lot of cultures also believed that getting your picture taken stole your soul, so there's that too...
I'm not exactly saying you're wrong, but I've seen a whole lot of flamewars between Christians and Atheists and very few of the Atheists in those flamewars were like this. It's usually the Christians. Just saying.
The church doctrine is not going to allow gay marriage. All Pope Francis is saying is that we should love everyone no matter what their sexual orientation.
Christians and catholics are two different faiths, as far apart as zoroastrianism and hinduism. Chrisians know that the pope is just a man, Mary was just a woman, and the only way into heaven is through Jesus Christ. Catholics believe the opposite. This and many other reasons prove christians and catholics are completely different religons.
I mean, yes, if you disagree with art then so be it- same goes for same-sex marriage, and techically speaking, you are a baby-killer if you have an abortion- but since when were we allowed to judge others for decisions we wouldn't make?
well, are you really killing the baby ? You have it before the baby is acty born, and you're not really allowed to have it after a certain point. ( also SOME Christians say not to kill then since god has a plan for them, but then I counter with why he makes miscarriages happen )
It says there that is your right to teach your religion to your kids, but doing this is kinda dishonest because small children don't have a good judgement, you can make they believe in anything, especially if most people around them believe too, they don't have a choice of religion, they don't think about it, they just belive. (Sorry for any error, it's a foreign language for me)
· 10 years ago
Very nicely said. It is an evolutionary process that children believe what their parents believe. A long time ago, this helped the children survive and grow up.
Christianity or any other religion for that matter does not help you survive.
When it comes to ones beliefs its perfectly acceptable to believe what you want. It is nice that the church helps the poor and all that stuff but when it comes to the past all I see is Inquisitions and witch trials, the heavy handed blackout of science and technology in the dark ages. I want everyone to be able to say what they want but we should also aloud to question the beliefs of others no matter how important those beliefs are. Thank you for your time.
This may be one of the only rational conversations I have seen on this subject on the net. Maybe there is hope for all of us yet. I knew I liked it here.
The Bible has been translated so many times and changed to suit so many different purposes that it's true origins will have been completely lost. It's been used as a form of manipulation throughout the ages and still is today, and I'm sorry but it's so unbelievably contradictory it's ridiculous.
Not all Christians are like this, only some. Not all Catholics are like this, but some think none. We are all people, and all different in many ways. So let us all be ourselves, and see how it pays.
Just saying... Christians say that people who do something that the christians don't want them to do go straight to hell... and hell is a bad place and satan will punish you. If you do bad things and satan is bad then shouldn't he be congratulating you? So technically if satan punishes people for doing the wrong thing then isn't he a good person? You people don't make sense -.-
Isaiah 14:12 (NIV) How you have fallen from heaven, morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations! (The KJV refers to Lucifer directly)
@morgnwinchester Chrisitians are supposed to follow rules and regulations, meaning you all "obide" by this snobby asshole in the sky. Therefore you should all believe in the same thing meaning you are not a "true" christian according to your pathetic beliefs.
@icesk8ingem I believe almost all religions are supposed to abide by certain regulations, so please don't act like we're the only ones here. Also, everybody else here is being civilized and respecting others beliefs, then you come in and tell us Christians that our beliefs are pathetic? What does that say about you? Not much, I'll tell you that. But I didn't come here to judge you. Also, you're obviously not a Christian, so what gives you the right to say what any Christian "should" do? There are tons of different types of Christianity, and while they are all based on the same idea, some have different views on things. Please educate yourself before you make yourself look like a fool, just a tip for the future.
I would've called this a burn but then I thought of the original comment talking about hell. So i'll call this a heavanly toss of holy water that burnt him.
I agree with the fact that icesk8tingem is completely wrong. Christians are one of the most free religions. We live to love and make sure everyone are good to God.
I mean, we're all sinners, yet God has the heart to forgive us all, no matter what.
You know, even if a person was as bad as Hitler, if he prayed that night before he died and asked God to forgive him, he might've gone to heaven, who knows?
Hitler wouldn't have "might've gone to heaven", he would have gone to heaven. The answer no one knows is if he did ask for forgivness before offing himself. I'm guessing no, but only God knows if he did.
Christianity or any other religion for that matter does not help you survive.
It is always dan fanatics.
Seriously, we're supposed to LOVE and be examples of good people. But some just can't grasp that.
I have trouble believing you are actually a Christian.
I agree with the fact that icesk8tingem is completely wrong. Christians are one of the most free religions. We live to love and make sure everyone are good to God.
I mean, we're all sinners, yet God has the heart to forgive us all, no matter what.
You know, even if a person was as bad as Hitler, if he prayed that night before he died and asked God to forgive him, he might've gone to heaven, who knows?