This is my belief as well. I hate that people think just because I believe in God and go to church every Sunday means I don't believe in evaluation. Or anything else to do with science.
· 10 years ago
Pffft, of course you non-assessing Christians don't believe in evaluation.
You know, if people actually took the time to read and study the Bible, they would find it has credible scientific information. Science actually agrees with the Bible. It's these "theories" that don't make any sense. I mean if they were true, all scientists would agree and they wouldn't be "theories".
Do you know the definition of a theory? It's not something a group of scientists just sat and thought oh I mean yea this could be true maybe lets just believe this. No. That's a hypothesis. A theory is compiling evidence and putting it together to form new ideas. Yes, theories can change with new evidence, but no they shouldn't be belittled like you do to them. If you don't believe theories are concrete jump off a cliff (without any fancy stuff) and test the THEORY of gravity. Do some research.
I wanted to punch a kid in the face once because he didn't like science so he didn't believe in it. Bitch I don't like math but that doesn't mean I don't believe in it.
Thank you!!
I don't know what I believe in but I always say this. While this sounds bad lol. I feel like I believe in god. But I don't believe in labeling myself a certain religion. But I also believe in science because, well it's science. It's facts. I believe in both without labeling myself
There are good atheists and good religious people.
Then there are also bad atheists and bad religious people.
But there aren't many people who annoy me more than a religious idiot who calls others fools for believing in evolution and the Big Bang theory, for being people of science.
Ok, the Bible says that big flood happened, science says that's not possible; creationism, there's no scientific evidence, science denies; Religion changes little in thousand of years, science is changing all the time.
I think you'll find that there is much scientific evidence for the flood and creation if you look for it and have an open mind. And just cause something changes doesn't mean it's always right in fact it means that it is certainly wrong, sometimes. Often evidence for evolution or other things are also evidence for creationism, or other things in the Bible
Okay, thing about most religions are, they use metaphors, most of the lessons that Jesus taught were taught using metaphors and fables. People are supposed to take what they want from the stories, not take everything literally.
The problem here, of course, is that as science finds answers, it proves more and more of religion wrong. I personally think a Christian who accepts evolution is completely self-contradictory. If you acknowledge that humans came into being without a Devine creator, why do you think we need a god?
OMG THIS! THIS IS BEAUTIFUL! I'm catholic but I believe in science also, it amazes me! sometimes I feel ashamed about how some religious people say science is bullshit when actually, it represents the history of what we were, we are and what we will become. Thank you for posting this countrygirl <3
I believe in god. Grew up Catholic. Have studied Christian and Jehovah's witness belief. And, i want to believe in God. Not in a religion. And i do believe in god and the bible. The way i see it i agree u can believe in both. In my opinion. For example. Universe created by big bang? Ok but elements were there....from where? No one me: God. I think religion and science can co exist
I was taken back to this post (edited my previous post because I think I was sleepy when I wrote it lol) and made me think of some history channel shows that actually combine the ywo and I think it is fascinating!
People that know the bible.more than me miggt support or correct me...but one of the things I lessened in bible study was things like the use of expressions like"all around " depicting the world as round. That i find fascinating. Earth was thought to be flat. Until science! I know it is not the specific expression used but my memory sucks.
This is untrue, you can only believe in one or the other. You can't believe in science, if you believe in God. The Bible disagrees with science, so if you believe in God, you can't believe in science.
· 10 years ago
Not true. The Bible confirms science. Or should I say science confirms the Bible.
Oh brb, my Pokemon is evaluating.
I don't know what I believe in but I always say this. While this sounds bad lol. I feel like I believe in god. But I don't believe in labeling myself a certain religion. But I also believe in science because, well it's science. It's facts. I believe in both without labeling myself
Then there are also bad atheists and bad religious people.
But there aren't many people who annoy me more than a religious idiot who calls others fools for believing in evolution and the Big Bang theory, for being people of science.