I've been like this my whole life. Many times I almost feel like crying when my mom tells me to asks the price of somethig and I just don't know what to do
I'm starting to think people are using the term introvert to make an excuse for them being anti-social. I used to consider myself an extreme introvert until I forced myself to realise I was just afraid of being social. But hey, maybe it's just me.
True, I am an introvert, but half of these do not apply to me. While my friend who is an extrovert, but at the time is extremely shy, has some of these that apply to her. People seem to mistake "introvert" for "shy" or someone with social anxiety. I can have a damn good time with my friends, but at the end of the day I need to be alone so that I can recharge. While my shy extrovert friend- once you get her going- seems to get her energy from those social outings and never want to stop.
Yeah I am an introvert and I enjoy being social (abate I am a bit awkward at times) but it drains me and I need time to be alone and that gives me my energy. I also have like 4 friends I know really well and do things regularly with although I do know many more people. I am not anti-social I just get my energy from being with a small group of people or by myself.
I'm half introvert. I can easily hold a conversation, but big social events wear me out, and I only have a handful of friends. A lot of people like me though.
I myself am mostly introverted, but that doesn't mean I can't be outgoing. I can talk as fast as I want and do whatever I feel comfortable doing in social situations. Introversion vs. extroversion is literally how you get energy or in what situations do you lose the most energy. Only half of these things are truly "introvert" problems, such as feeling tired after shopping or trying to leave a party early (I'm guilty- it's not that I don't like the people, I just need some alone time after being around a lot of them). Half of these seem like social anxiety or just plain shyness. Which is alright, too, I feel there's nothing wrong with being shy, but at the same time, people too often blame social anxiety on introversion, when it is something totally different. Extreme introversion may make social anxiety worse, but it is not the cause.
From my experiences with both introverted and extroverted friends I've noticed that most, if not all introverts were born extroverts, but have throughout their lives learned to be introverts. I say most, because although all of my introverted friends share the same general background, none of them are mentally retarded, and I know there are many mentally retarded people out there.
Now, as I said they all share the same general background. None of them have had many friends growing up, and all of them were bullied in some way or the other. As a result all of them have a very low self-esteem, only a few friends, and trouble opening up to people. The bullying has also taught them to stay quiet and not draw attention to themselves.
The reason I think they were born extroverts but learned to be introverts is that humans are pack animals. We seek together in communities. If not, how could giant mega-cities like New York, London, and Tokyo exist? Introversion can be crippling in such a social environment, and thus would not be favourable in evolution. The genes that cause introversion would have been eliminated very early in the evolutionary process.
I'm explosively exstroverted myself, but while I've never been directly bullied I was excluded from nearly everything till just half a year ago. This taught me to lock myself in my room, and in those rare instances where I was actually outside I never drew more attention to myself than absolutely required. Now that I have more friends than I know what to do with, and even more keep pouring in, I am happier than ever. As everyone else I know that have many friends are also extroverted, I think that most introverts can learn to be extroverts, or "fixed".
Now, as I said they all share the same general background. None of them have had many friends growing up, and all of them were bullied in some way or the other. As a result all of them have a very low self-esteem, only a few friends, and trouble opening up to people. The bullying has also taught them to stay quiet and not draw attention to themselves.
I'm explosively exstroverted myself, but while I've never been directly bullied I was excluded from nearly everything till just half a year ago. This taught me to lock myself in my room, and in those rare instances where I was actually outside I never drew more attention to myself than absolutely required. Now that I have more friends than I know what to do with, and even more keep pouring in, I am happier than ever. As everyone else I know that have many friends are also extroverted, I think that most introverts can learn to be extroverts, or "fixed".