My argument would be that when a human turns into a zombie, all the biological functions required for preserving tissue, to cause hunger, etc. are probably taken over by the virus. That would explain how zombies are still able to walk or run, and also why they have hunger.
His whole premise is based upon zombies being the dead reborn anyway. Plenty of zombie scenarios out there that don't involve them actually being dead though. In fact, most new age zombies are usually things like some sort of virus or biological accident. They require a living host to work (whether they'd still be living later is immaterial, just at the time of "infection" they were alive), which is why only the living become zombies and all the trillions of previously dead don't sprout out of the ground too. In which case their circulatory system would be fine, they wouldn't succumb to rigor mortis, and they would still hunger just fine. So his "real science" isn't really relevant is it?
Not saying a zombie apocalypse is likely, just saying his reasoning for it being impossible is bull shit.
Yeah. What I said before is because he's being such a big killjoy. Zombies are fun to watch. They're fun to kill. They are fictional. We don't have to apply real science to zombies. Books, movies and games would be no fun if everybody were to question the plausibility of the unlikely things that happen in them. I wasn't trying to counter real science. I was countering a killjoy act.
Dat dere's right chillun. Now if it be de dead negro black zombie mon type of person, I, Neil De Greasy Tyson have hy-pot-to-nized that de negro black zombie mon be satisfied with either some Kentucky Fried Chicken or a white bitch. I would gladly shows my work to you all, but I have serious doubts anyone of you lil' crackers on dis here site would understand my high falutin' matmatics. Hollar at yer boy!
Not saying a zombie apocalypse is likely, just saying his reasoning for it being impossible is bull shit.
You haven't seen this episode, have you?