Because Stalin perpetuated a 'cult of personality' in which he indoctrinated the Russian people to idolise him as a god-like figure, as well as portraying Communism almost as a faith that the people had to follow.
(Basically because he *did* have a religion - an unofficial one of his own.)
· 10 years ago
At the same time, though, the idea of a traditional faith, as portrayed here, was banished in Stalinist times. It was, for all intents and purposes, an atheistic country.
I've wanted to commit suicide lots of times. I've contemplated just walking to the kitchen and stabbing myself right there. I've thought about jumping from my balcony. But I don't, because I realize I have more to live for
Similarly, you get the douchebag christians who actively judge and protest against homosexual rights, and then you get those (like us) who support homosexual rights, because they're human rights.
Malcolm X was Nation of Islam, which is a radical (to US minds, anyway) form of Islam.
· 10 years ago
Religion has nothing to do with any of these people except Stalin and Bin Laden. Stalin made a religionless state in order to rid people of the idea that theres a place better than Russia. Also, Osama Bin Laden made the 911 attacks due his idea of religion. When Iraq invaded Kuwait Saudi Arabia asked the United States to step in to stop the Iriaqi military. In doing so Bin Laden and his followers saw this as Saudi Arabia going against the Muslim brotherhood. Therefore creating a religious movement and recruitment against western agression and western values. Saudi Arabia was a huge source of anger in the beginning because they were the most westernised Muslim country. The whole war on terror came to be due to the Gulf War.
Lots of people on here are atheists and I don't call them evil. Here on Funsubstance, we actually don't care about religion that much. We're just here to have fun.
Adolf Hitler said christianity is weakness, dafuq? The guy who ran the biggest consentration camp was brought up in a religious family not Hitler
· 10 years ago
Hitler wasn't openly religious. He was born unto a skeptical father and Catholic mother. He was baptised either as an early child or baby. Later when he became the leader of Germany and the Nazi party he said (not exact words) "The ideology of Nazism can't coincide with religion." Although with this being said he never denounced faith in a religion but never claimed a national religion. The only nation to claim a full atheistic state was the U.S.S.R.
Stalin officially made Russia an atheist state by making religion and religious items against the law.
The Nazi's had what they called "the church struggle." Although espousing a religion called Positive Christianity, which was a very racist and revisionist form of Christianity, the Nazi's knew that they could control the people if they left their churches more or less intact. In fact, when the Nazi's swept through the Baltic states, one of the first things they did was rebuild their churches. This had the dual purpose of population control and undermining the atheist Soviets, who had strong influence in the region.
Hipster wasn't christian and Malcolm x was an evil man full of hate. Bill gates, however good his actions may be, is still evil.
· 10 years ago
Um... Do you mean Hitler? And what facts have you to back up your claim of Bill Gates and Malcolm X. Granted the former had engaged in some less-than noble business practices and the latter was passionate to the point of action, but that doesn't necessarily constitute as "evil" or "full of hate"
Malcom X started to believe in Islam toward the end of his movement. He did preach anti-white and inspired some violent groups such as the Black Panthers but he switched to Islam and denounced his teachings and refrained from preaching hateful messages.
Hmm...Hitler was an atheist. He just said he was a Christian for a while so he could get benefits from the Church.
· 10 years ago
Read what I previously commented. He was born unto a catholic mother and a father who didn't believe in religion. He was baptised as a child and became a member of the Catholic church. He was Catholic but didn't voice his religion.
Did you know that 2 of his 10 army divisions were made up of Muslims? They were his allies because they both sought the destruction of Israel. The more you know!
· 10 years ago
Guest... Israel as a modern political nation didn't come into being until 1948.
Actually martin Luther king was a great speaker, wasn't very good behind the scenes. Hactually has a couple of cases of rape.
· 10 years ago
What the hell are you talking about? I've studied history for the past 4 years. I specialize in post 1900 world and US history so when I say what the hell are you talking about I mean that you must be some form of ignorant to believe something that even atlantans from that time have never spoken or come out about. Nor, have I or anyone else heard of this. Why is that? Because its not true. Every website I've looked at claiming this isn't reliable whatso ever therefore you have no proof of this happening. No .edu or .gov shows this.
(Basically because he *did* have a religion - an unofficial one of his own.)
Stalin officially made Russia an atheist state by making religion and religious items against the law.