My name (Adele) has numerous ways of spelling it:
- Adele (the way I spell it)
- Adle (I don't know who the fuck thought this one up
- Adel (tbh this one just looks weird)
- Adelle (just no)
This is insanely true my name is Niamh not neev, neeve, niev or nieve. The worst part is I don't live in Ireland I live right in the middle of New England.
Hermione. Not Hermoine. Not Hermioney. Not Hermiony. Not Harmony. It's Hermione. You'd think after the Harry Potter books people would be able to spell it. AND SAY IT WITH ME. IT'S HER-MY-OH-KNEE. OR HER-MY-KNEE. Either. I don't care which. But NOT Her-mar-knee.
we have the eact same name O.O
they always go:
g-a-b-b-i (how the fuck did they get that one)
and for my full name
g-a-b-r-i-e-l-l-a ALWAYS
it's g-a-b-r-i-e-l-a not that ^
it's infuriating as fuck
Ok half of these comments are people complaining about their name being spelled wrong when their name ISNT HOW IT IS COMMONLY SPELLED. If you have a common name, you can't blame people for trying to spell it how it is most commonly spelled. Now if they are just straight up screwing it up because they can't spell for shit, thats different. If your name is Ashlee/Ashly/Ashleigh/Ashle/Ashlie/Ashlei then great, you are unique, just don't complain when people try to commonly spell it as Ashley.
Now I might get some hate for saying this, but I dont really care. I have tryed to correct people and they're like "oh ok I am sorry" but then they spell it wrong always...
· 10 years ago
My name's spelled Jadyn, not Jaden or Jayden. My grandma can't even spell my name:(
Seriously though people make small, simple and reasonable mistakes about the spelling of your name so stop complaining. People spell my name wrong constantly but I'm patient because English is one fucked up language and it's not always obvious how something is spelled. I'm not saying it's not annoying but try to be optimistic. At least you're not a chick named Gurukierthian.
But you can't complain in that case. I mean, gibby here has half a case, but Siobhan is just impossibly hard to pronounce correctly English-wise just by seeing the name.
But c's make s sounds all the time. Eg: certain, celebrity and exception. I'm not bagging your name, mines Pippi for christ sake but I dont think saying that it's spelt like it sounds should be your argument.
"Yes, like the fictional character"
- Adele (the way I spell it)
- Adle (I don't know who the fuck thought this one up
- Adel (tbh this one just looks weird)
- Adelle (just no)
we have the eact same name O.O
they always go:
g-a-b-b-i (how the fuck did they get that one)
and for my full name
g-a-b-r-i-e-l-l-a ALWAYS
it's g-a-b-r-i-e-l-a not that ^
it's infuriating as fuck
I get-adelaine, adeline, natalie, adelei, adelide, adlaide
Like cmon guys its not that hard
Also, you're not 'Gabby' or 'Gaby'. You're 'gibby'.
They always spell "Chevonne" or "Shivon"