Exactly, it want the most efficient way but I hated the subject and it made no sense to me and something in my squirmy out of control brain thought it would be a good way out of studying the subject (and it was).
Me and my best friend invented our own alphabet and memorized it so we could pass notes in class and not get caught. Now all you need is your phone to lock.
Call me REALLY stupid, but I don't get how that would work. Can someone explain? :)
· 10 years ago
In Morse code each letter is a series of dots and lines (or only dots,and only lines) for example: A .- O --- R .-. H .... and like,so he made a doodle and subtly filled it with Morse code (If he had written only Morse code and later got cought,teacher would probably be able to recognize it.)(Excuse my spelling,not my first language)