That's actually a very powerful image (or series of) without the need for words.
· 10 years ago
This is why people need to self-empower and take responsibility for saving themselves. No one can do it for another or have another done it for them. Such a slippery slope.
I'm having trouble relating to this little comic, could someone please provide an example of where you helping someone can hinder you so dramatically? Also, I do believe selflessness needs to be remembered, sometimes even if you're putting yourself behind it's going to be the times you helped someone that you remember.
· 10 years ago
There is a big difference between being an inspiration or source of support for someone, and becoming their savior. We have been taught to put ourselves last, that the needs of others trump our own. It is ultimately up to each individual to take responsibility for their wellness and overcoming their odds. For example, a drug addict. I have someone near and dear to me that battles this. I put all of me into getting her well. You name it, I did it for years, and trying to save her became my life. It didn't work. I was lied to, stolen from, and the addiction carried on until I finally had to set a boundary for my own wellbeing. I will always love her, but that is a path I can no longer walk down. It will be up to her to save her own life. That's is a burden not designed for anyone else to carry. I used to be a "save everyone" person thinking that was the right thing to do. I think we do more good showing people how to empower themselves rather than relying on others to do it for them.
Fair enough, good example and hope that your friend does get better. To be honest I think you might've done the right thing, always have to try to help someone first, but fair enough if it's going nowhere then stop. So there, I suppose now I'm understanding the comic now :P
If you've ever watched Skins, Naomi loving Emily is a very good example of this.
And if you haven't, I insist you do.
(Also, if you have I highly recommend reading Heather's recaps from specifically for series four finale which delves deeper into the message of this comic as applied onto Naomily).
This just happened to me, except in the first image it looks like the guy had a nice background thing he was coming from, I didn't come from that. My place was all dark and heavy, and now the door has been slammed in my face. I hope it opens back up.
It's not even that. I have (besides family obviously) 5 very good friends. They have taken me from severe introversion, social awkwardness, and lack of self-esteem to making it so that if they we were the last 6 people on earth, I'd give my life so that they could live just a day longer. I would fillet and crucify myself upside-down (just like Saints Bartholomew and Peter (I'm not Catholic, it's just so that it's easier to understand)) if it would make it so that they could have a bit more happiness.
I agree and understand in the fullest. Except I've only got 3 friends. I'd literally do and suffer through anything I could so they could be a bit more happy.
And if you haven't, I insist you do.
(Also, if you have I highly recommend reading Heather's recaps from specifically for series four finale which delves deeper into the message of this comic as applied onto Naomily).