Pssh I've been sister mother and grandmother zoned by the same dude!!!!once he even said I was so strong and that he saw some resemblance of his father in me
You know I'm not even gonna say anything about that it's true I can be cruel sometimes
· 10 years ago
It was the last girl I asked out who gave it to me cruelest out of the two I've ever asked out in my life too...I was actually in love with her...still am...
Both hehe. He stuck around. Long story. Guy broke my heart bad he could have been rebound but wasn't attracted to him. So ended up in friend zone but he was great to me. Full of details. Ended up falling for him. And at one point girls get the point of enough of jerks we deserve better ( some sooner than others) that's the short version. Also, I need to add he stopped talking to me couple of times mad at me he was friendzoned. I get why but we don't do it on purpose I had my reasons. I was prepared for him to get tired and get a gf but iv was not gonna say yes because he was good to me and had no feelings for him. That would have been disaster.