Okay, so I'm not sure what crawled up your ass, died and decomposed, but I happen to have listened to every Queen album ever, you know, and even if I hadn't, I'm pretty sure most twelve-year olds have heard Bohemian Rhapsody, I'd have to be from a different planet to need to"copypaste" a lyric from one of the most popular songs of all time for the sole purpose of seeming "cool" (as you so aptly put it) to strangers on the internet. But kudos to you and your witty, superior reply. Next time though, don't try so hard. See what I did there?
Of course I do, not sure why anyone would want to draw attention to it, however...
But yeah, in case you're unaware, every tween on FS jumps at the chance to do this. One can see how a reasonable adult would find it annoying. Sadly, FS seems to be short on those, these days.
· 10 years ago
And you consider yourself to be one?! Seriously, you've already tried this on at least one other post (http://funsubstance.com/fun/164707/how-to-get-all-the-candy/) and it obvioulsy didn't work, so why carry on? Part of what you're complaining about is people doing the same thing over and over again, so you're just being a hypocrite.
Wonderful logic there.
I've brought the subject up a handful of times because many FSers seem to INSIST on running jokes, comments, quotes, lyrics, etc into the ground, and don't realize that repetition RUINS them. What you and others are doing is basically the text equivalent of overplaying a song on the radio.
tl;dr Trying to make FS a better place, even if some of it's users are content with mediocrity =/= repeating the same tired comments ad nauseam.
Sort of agreeing with mgoveia, FS is fun but it gets boring with the repition of comments. Queen is great yeah but I get annoyed as well with the sudden singing of Rhapsody. It's getting overused, and some of us want new material that's funny and creative.
But yeah, in case you're unaware, every tween on FS jumps at the chance to do this. One can see how a reasonable adult would find it annoying. Sadly, FS seems to be short on those, these days.
I've brought the subject up a handful of times because many FSers seem to INSIST on running jokes, comments, quotes, lyrics, etc into the ground, and don't realize that repetition RUINS them. What you and others are doing is basically the text equivalent of overplaying a song on the radio.
tl;dr Trying to make FS a better place, even if some of it's users are content with mediocrity =/= repeating the same tired comments ad nauseam.