OOOHHH MYY GODD. REALLY?! NO ONE TALKS ABOUT IT?!?! Because I'm pretty sure I've had the healthy eating sermon jammed down my throat since second grade BY MY PUBLIC SCHOOL. If you want to rattle off about it like everyone else that's fine, but don't act like NO ONE talks about it because that is blatantly untrue. I can't go anywhere on the internet without seeing somebody get up on the soap box about it! Oh so you're telling me I could get diabetes from poor diet? No way! I had no fuckin clue! Oh and being overweight can ALSO lead to heart disease? Wow! Now I guess all my deep seated insecurities will just vanish and I'll eat a perfect diet! Thank you random internet user with no tangible credibility for telling me what my doctor has been saying for years! I'm cured now! But please don't stop shoving it in my face like I'm some imbecile with short term memory loss, fatties need to be reminded every 6 seconds about their health issues and you're the one who needs to do it!
The reason they shove it down your throat is because health is important. Otherwise nothing medical would be necessary and there would be no cures or treatments for things such as cancer or vaccines for polio and tuberculosis and a bunch of other diseases that would kill off a majority of the population. Eating only junk food is just as bad as smoking cigarettes every day. It damages your health and becomes addictive.
Yeah it's important and children should be taught about it in schools. My point was that people keep saying "oh no one talks about it" "you need to eat healthy or you'll die!" ALL. THE. TIME. like people don't know. Like it's any of your damn business. Teach your kids good habits and voice your concerns to your overweight family members if you have them. It isn't your job to fix other people and it's rather insulting to assume that they have no idea what is going on with their body. You aren't my mother, my boyfriend, or my doctor so my health in none of your concern and I am not breaking any laws. I am overweight, I have been most of my life. But my blood pressure is exactly what it should be, I am not a diabetic, I have no heart problems, I am an asthmatic but that has been going on my whole life and was not caused by my weight. It does make it harder to lose weight though. Will I develop problems later if I never get it under control? Probably. Am I in any immediate danger? No.
At this point in my life the only things that keep me from going off the deep end are my pets and food. Is that a good way to live? Hell no and I hate myself for it everyday. But I don't know how to stop and stay sane at the same time right now. I'm trying, believe me, but you don't change something like that because some jackass on the internet thought "faces of fat" would scare you into compliance or because someone posted for the thousandth time about the health risks of poor diet. It is something you work at over time because it is what you want, and for some that is easier than for others.
Edited 10 years ago
· 10 years ago
How about everyone just f$&@ off with telling others how to live. Honestly, live your life how you can and/or wish too. Not by another's' standards.
me think he doth prostest too much. What i get from this statement was that we see so many more stories about sensational death rather than an actual hard hitting problem like death from poor diet and health. Its the same if some one died of a Ecstasy overdose, the media goes wild, while everyday the number of alcohol related deaths soar. Yes its important to let people live their own lives but the obesity crisis we are in and all the health problems related are actually have a really negative impact on our health system. The resources we are using to combat obesity and poor health from diet could be put to better use fighting illnesses we cant cure as easily. Its proven that education on diet can improve peoples health, if you are educated great, just keep doing what your doing, but remember a lot of others arnt and need an advocate like Jamie oliver to push the issue.
I couldn't read past the original rant, but have you thought that maybe people are always talking about it because they themselves are constantly hammered by the whole "big is beautiful" crowd?
Because that shit is just as rampant, with the side-effect of actually being dangerous.
I am sorry superchicken for what you've been through. I've had similar problems, as I am asmathic too.
Now for Jamie Oliver: I really hate the food at my university. It is often deep-fried food that has been kept warm for a long time, and even the vegetarian menu is disgustingly fatty. EVERYONE knows that this kind of shitty food is unhealthy but at public schools and so on they keep shoving it in our face anyways. I cannot afford to go to the Restaurant for every meal to get a healthier alternative, so sometimes I need to eat there if I am extremely hungry. Now I stay in shape by not eating. Is that really a good alternative? Jamie Oliver has a point but I am also sick of hearing about it without any difference being made.
Then again, didn't Michelle Obama get a ton of shit for trying to get schools to offer healthy foods? I don't even know if there were any numbers involved, or if they just found a handful of kids to piss and moan (easiest job in the world) so they could quote them in the news.
Jamie Oliver is British. 5 seconds with google could have prevented you from looking like an idiot.
· 10 years ago
So what I get from this is that the UK has a higher fatality rate to food then the US. One of the fattest nations in the world? Hard to believe thats true let alone 60% is pretty extreme of a number.
Even if the numbers are wrong (to my knowledge they are; the US has a murder rate approximately 5 times that of the UK) that still doesn't make your comment not stupid.
· 10 years ago
If its wrong in both areas then the post is invalid as a whole. I don't see why it matters where this guy is from if he is wrong no matter what.
Because that shit is just as rampant, with the side-effect of actually being dangerous.
Now for Jamie Oliver: I really hate the food at my university. It is often deep-fried food that has been kept warm for a long time, and even the vegetarian menu is disgustingly fatty. EVERYONE knows that this kind of shitty food is unhealthy but at public schools and so on they keep shoving it in our face anyways. I cannot afford to go to the Restaurant for every meal to get a healthier alternative, so sometimes I need to eat there if I am extremely hungry. Now I stay in shape by not eating. Is that really a good alternative? Jamie Oliver has a point but I am also sick of hearing about it without any difference being made.
Do the math before believing something, especially on the internet.