Unfortunately I have yet to see this season at all. I hear only good things though. I should be able to see them on my day off..which isnt till Friday :'(
O. My. Glob.
Just finished 8X1 and just wow. Wow. I'm blown away yet again by this show I never thought could possibly get better than it already is. I love the new Doctor so much already! And the entire episode was funny too. "You must stop worrying about it, my boy. By now he's almost certainly had his throat cut by the violent poor." O what a fantastic show! Lol I'm so happy with how good that was because I always worry when The Doctor regenerates.
· 10 years ago
I have only seen the first 2 episodes but Peter Capaldi is great isn't he! A few of my Whovian friends are not too sure about him but I like him ^-^
I've only seen the first one. I'll watch the next one in a few hours. But yea I'm already positive about him I love him. Man I love meeting fellow Whovians because then I can geek out all day haha. Favorite Doctor not including Mr Peter Capaldi. Go
· 10 years ago
That's good that you like it!
My favourite doctor would have to be David Tennant, as a child I would watch his episodes with my parents!
You're obviously not from America (lucky you). Where are you from if you don't mind my asking.
That's funny though Tennant is my favorite as well but everyone who asks me says Smith is better.
O there was a chalk walk in my city today and someone did Doctor Who. I'll post a pic. Hope you enjoy it.
· 10 years ago
Haha:) I'm from Australia!
yeah, quite a few people say that Matt had that 'quirky' side to him and that tennant didn't, but I think he did! That sounds cool, I'll check it out!
I love them all of course. I even love Christopher Eccleston and his many quirky and funny facial expressions. But Tennant is the man. And as much as I love the others, Rose has been my favorite companion so far.
I wanna be in Australia! It's gonna be snowing here soon :'(
By the way, have you been watching the 8th series of Doctor Who?
Just finished 8X1 and just wow. Wow. I'm blown away yet again by this show I never thought could possibly get better than it already is. I love the new Doctor so much already! And the entire episode was funny too. "You must stop worrying about it, my boy. By now he's almost certainly had his throat cut by the violent poor." O what a fantastic show! Lol I'm so happy with how good that was because I always worry when The Doctor regenerates.
My favourite doctor would have to be David Tennant, as a child I would watch his episodes with my parents!
That's funny though Tennant is my favorite as well but everyone who asks me says Smith is better.
O there was a chalk walk in my city today and someone did Doctor Who. I'll post a pic. Hope you enjoy it.
yeah, quite a few people say that Matt had that 'quirky' side to him and that tennant didn't, but I think he did! That sounds cool, I'll check it out!
I wanna be in Australia! It's gonna be snowing here soon :'(