I don't sext but I have the same problem with my phone. My boyfriend's name is Damian so of course it is right next to Dad. One time I was at a skating rink with my sisters and they wanted to go home so I texted Dad "We're done" so he would come pick us up. Two minutes later a very upset Damian called me asking me what he did wrong and why I would be so mean as to break up with him over text like that. It took me a few seconds before I realized what happened and when it dawned on me I just starting laughing at my own blunder. This, of course, only made Damian feel worse because not only had I "dumped him" with 2 words I was also laughing at him. I realized what I was doing and stopped and started frantically explaining the situation. It's been 3 1/2 years since then and I still feel bad when I think about it, but he has long since forgiven me and we are still together.