There's no reason for you to feel shitty for that. She should feel shitty for teaching her son to call you dad and push "we're a family" if you weren't and that's clearly not where you were heading.
She's an idiot. You do not have your child call a non-biological parental figure "dad" unless they are married and he becomes a step-parent. Then, worst case scenario you get divorced and he can still visit with the child. Stupid girl. Smh.
· 10 years ago
Being married then divorced doesnt automatically give you the right to visitation. I am not married to my g/f who i have a one year old with and she has an 8 year old who calls me dad and she is not my biological daughter but has called me dad since two years old. She knows who her biological dad is and knows im her dad too
· 10 years ago
Let me clarify though olivianope i understand what you were saying and dont totally disagree with you but just on the point about marriage.
Valid point. I didn't mean to imply visitation would be a given, of course that can be a difficult situation. I just find it frustrating when girls rush to make a family with the's so confusing for the child. Of course, this is such a hard subject with so many different circumstances..what works for one family may not for another.