In 6th grade I read books secretly during science. I was looking down at the book, my attention faced towards those pages instead of my teacher, and he let me read it. Or he didn't see.
· 10 years ago
I don't think they're teaching the kid that reading is bad, but that there is a right and wrong time to read.
In a psychology class I was reading something for the geography class,the teacher saw me and asked me some questions related to what he was talking I didn't know the answers and he gave not only me but other 3 classmates(they were asked some questions too) a really small grade from now on I have to stay still like an idiot and pretend that I listen to him.
Ok that makes sense, hopefully when you read it you enjoy it. Also don't let a spoiled ending ruin a book, I often find that reading is about the journey not the destination. If the story is good that is often more important that the ending. (The ending is often just as important though)
No, that shit is a part of my soul.