Bad luck crane fly 27 comments
· 9 years ago
i grew up with those... they're not scary. they're our friends.
When my contact lens pops out 6 comments
What blacks think 86 comments
· 9 years ago
And I'm guessing the person who wrote this post isn't black.... and hasn't experienced what black people experience, which is that they are, indeed, treated differently, regardless of their behavior. Not always, but often enough for them to be legitimately pissed off about it. It's a real thing, people.
Nurses after a patient suffers a miscarriage 31 comments
Koala stealing Milk 14 comments
· 10 years ago
this may sound dumb, but.... do koalas really just wander into stores like that?
probably gonna get a lot of hate for this but it's true 65 comments
· 10 years ago
i have a cousin that is developmentally disabled, and everytime he hears someone use the "r" word, it makes him cry. so, no, it's not funny.
Oh I do... 2 comments
· 10 years ago
When I was a kid, our TV room was upstairs... my dad would yell downstairs for us to "get up here right now!".. when we got there he would say "change the channel".
I quit!!! 8 comments
· 10 years ago
"In April 2013 I quit my old job to concentrate on the Mr Cake Co full time. I iced my resignation letter onto a cake, and a photo of it went viral on social media and captured the imagination of the public worldwide!
In the wake of the amazing publicity this caused, I won the Smarta Business Award for Best Use of Marketing 2013. The competition has now closed, but I hope you’ll still enjoy this short film I made (as part of my competition entry) about the whole Mr Cake Story!..."
In the wake of the amazing publicity this caused, I won the Smarta Business Award for Best Use of Marketing 2013. The competition has now closed, but I hope you’ll still enjoy this short film I made (as part of my competition entry) about the whole Mr Cake Story!..."
I'd like to play a game 17 comments
Card sent to grandmother twenty years ago 7 comments
I'm not gay!!! 12 comments
· 10 years ago
Tourrette's syndrome divorced dad is having trouble not creeping chicks out. They think he's gay. He must make some involuntary gay sounding noise. But he still wants to get laid.
Kanye going all "Kanye" on us 14 comments
· 10 years ago
1. This is a repost. 2. They were outside his garage at 4 am. How many of you want to see a bunch of stalkers taking your picture at 4 am? How would you greet them?
Depression in a nutshell 17 comments
· 10 years ago
Hmm.. interesting that it's showing the depressed person up high. I always picture depression as being in a deep hole where you can't see the light.