Ok, this one I'm strangely on with. Like if I move to Australia I'll find one, keep it as a pet, name it Bob, and whenever I see a bad bug I'll tell it "sic em, boy!" And let him off his leash
· 10 years ago
I can locate one right now, it's outside but on our glass window in beneath the glass and the mesh screen!
Welllll... Not intentionally. Huntsman spiders love to hide in cars. They're always crawling up in them. (Good environment for them). And when drivers see them they panic on the road. Huntsman spiders are technically the cause for several car accidents in australia each year. They don't mean it though. (I'm just saying this based on what I saw on Animal planet. so my comment isn't exactly credible. sorry if i'm wrong.)
I live in Australia and the amount of posts saying that everything in Australia is deadly seems much more than the amount of actually scary animals that someone would normally see. Maybe it's just because I live in the South.
It's all the things that you wouldn't think would harm you that can. Like you go to a rock pool and are like 'oh cool! look an octopus! Let's take a photo with it' and then you are in hospital in the ICU for a week.
Being arachnophobic isn't good here though. Where I live there are basically everywhere. Okay so just imagine being like 12 and waking up in the middle of the night to find 3 of them on your wall and under your bed. It's not fun. I know they are harmless an all but they are scary as shit. especially the way they run so fucking fast everywhere
Fellow arachnophobe here, I do not envy your situation.
Here in Florida my main complaint is mosquitoes, mostly because I'm allergic. (Not a great place to live with that allergy, right?)
You know you could've just gone with a koala, or a possum or a bandicoot or a quoll or a bettong or a wallaby...
There is much lower percentage of people with phobias of those.
Just saying.
My dad tried to rescue a baby possum and it freaked out and bit into the webbing between his finger and thumb and he was walking around with a baby possum hanging from his hand
At another school near mine 'sparky' the possum ate through the wires in some system during the grade 12 final exams and it caught on fire setting the fire alarm off so they had to evacuate and all rewrite and resit their final exams
fuzzy is friend
fuzzy is life
pretty stripy octopus = deadly.
Here in Florida my main complaint is mosquitoes, mostly because I'm allergic. (Not a great place to live with that allergy, right?)
*uses a spider as example*
There is much lower percentage of people with phobias of those.
Just saying.