Am I the only one around here who saw the S5 (a little late, I'll admit) and wants to switch from my IPhone 5S to Samsung?!? I don't give a crap about the new apple products, give me that sweet, sweet Samsung goodness!!
I've never had an issue with the battery life on any apple products. My bf's galaxy s3 can't hold and charge for an extended amount of time and often shuts itself down for no reason at all.
I seriously don't understand this whole apple vs android argument, from either side. If I have something on my plate why should you worry about it? If you're eating something else why should it concern me? People want what they want why should we argue about something that is solely a choice by the consumer? Eat what you want buy what you want and let everyone else do what they want it really shouldn't concern you.
Yeah, if it had already been released I would... but I can't get it now, so what's the point? I'm not gonna wait another year or whatever to pay $300 for something similar to what everyone already has.