Because the media doesn't give a fuck about them. Its just like the Westboro church. They made it look like all Christians were bigoted assholes and now they're making Muslims into blood thirsty murderers.
And right now many Muslims are becoming atheist because they disagree with all the violence that their so called 'fellow believers are putting out. It's horrible. The religion does have many issues with violence but it people like this who just want to worship in peace and they can't and it makes me as a Christian so sad for them. That they can't live worship how they see for because their country men are forcin them to violence. It makes me just want to cry.
The problem is when a muslim does something good media calls it humanity and when a muslim does something bad they blame it on islam.. I swear islam is against violence and those people who murder others do not represent muslims
Ha. You really think I am a racist. I am talking about facts my friend, when you most likely are still in middle school. So how about we make a deal. You get your panties out of a wad then you go pick up a history book.
Think about it this way. If you are a Muslim you are not allowed to ask questions about your own faith. That should throw up red flags itself. Secondly do you know how Muhammad got his followers? Because if you read about him the dude was intellectually stupid. If I remembe correctly he could barely read. It was on the promise of rape, more land, money and slaves. That is why they have always been violent and always will
The only thing that separates these Muslims and ISIS is timing. Just as in the Bible, the Quran teaches that certain things must happen in order to bring the second coming. This caliogate ISIS has set up us one of those steps. But other muslims do not believe its time yet. Dont Christians think those doomsday cults are quacks? Same things here. Except! Once the 'moderate' muslims believe that the caliphate and timing is right, they will begin to do the same that ISIS/Al Queda/All your terrorist organizations are doing. The quran commands them to or they will be killed first. It's simply a matter of timing. And as for the response that muslims trot out every time about christians and the crusades - Christians aren't the ones running around stealing raping murdering in 2014! But Muslims are, and the quran teaches them to do violence and to kill, even today.
Guest your background knowledge is far from anything correct. People of all races, religions, and backgrounds kill and rape. It's not restricted to Muslims. Muslim and Christian tensions didn't come around till the crusades which is one of the reasons why Radical Muslims hate Christians and others like them today.
Because they don't have the means or power yet. But look at France. They are being terrorized by Muslims because they are over populating more than the French. But that man in Oklahoma that beheaded his coworker and stabbed another b4 being shot was a week before trying to win them to Islam. It may not be as bad as the Middle East but they aren't peaceful
You speak so lowly of the Catholic Church, you seem racist, xenophobic at times, and fully against other points being made. It sounds more like you're a either a KKK member or a wannabe KKK member rather than of the "confederacy".
Nope because the KKK is a group that is completely against what Christianity is and what Jesus taught. Christ in Matthew said go and proclaim the gospel to all the nations, not just whites. So therefore I am and never will be anything close to a KKK member. Now if you can't say anything else rather than insulting me just go ahead and shut up.
And I speak lowly of the Catholic Church because that cult proclaims the name of Jesus Christ when all they do is make a mockery of him and his name. If you read the bible and their cathechism they completely contradict each other. Same with the pope. Each one after the next contradicts the previous one.
But..... It's hard when everyone falls... Falls cut down by bullets, knives... It's hard to imagine it as a "religion of peace" if there is death and destruction in its name. Plans for the death of every other person....
They are people with twisted minds, the world is filled with them from different countries and different religions. BUT the difference here is they say it out loud "in the name of Islam", but truely their actions are not acceptable in Islam, I am a Muslim and I know what I'm talking about, they manipulate Islam in a way that serves their interests and desires. And the last sentence this man said is similar to one in the Holy Quran "For you is your religion, and for me is my religion."
And don't believe everything in the media they just seek for money not honesty.
Why dislike my comment? How is it in any fucking way not acceptable? And yes guest, bur doesn't the "Quran" also state that people should be killed if they don't belive in Islam, does it not also call for jihad and mass murder?
So does the Bible vlekkie. Before the Crusades Muslims, Christians, and Jews lived in peace in the Holy Land. It wasn't until the greed and power of the Catholic Church took over europe and turned European Catholics against all other Christians, Muslims, and Jews. "Caedite Eos Novit Dominus qui sunt eious." Translation: Kill them for the Lord knows who are his. A Catholic priest told a distraught Catholic soldier after being told he had to kill other Christians.
"There is no compulsion in religion; truly the right way has become clearly distinct from error"
"..if anyone killed a person not in retaliation of murder, or (and) to spread mischief in the land - it would be as if he killed all mankind, and if anyone saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of all mankind"
The above two quotes are from "Quran".
And i didn't dislike your comment!
You are seriously detached from the world. You do realize there are radical christians. They do the same thing as the radical Muslims just under a different God. The only differences between the two is the fact that the media doesn't cover it and they worship different Gods.
You honestly don't notice? Firstly "out of touch" Secondly "radical Christains" Do you come from Oslo, Norway? Thirdly "different" God....... You my friend are out of touch.
And don't believe everything in the media they just seek for money not honesty.
"..if anyone killed a person not in retaliation of murder, or (and) to spread mischief in the land - it would be as if he killed all mankind, and if anyone saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of all mankind"
The above two quotes are from "Quran".
And i didn't dislike your comment!