

Opinionated and vulgar. Cut the bullshit and don't be a bitch.
I weld quite a bit
@me for all things metal and history

— Dakota Report User
What's wrong with being Moroccan 4 comments
metalman · 43 weeks ago
I was just curious how they were doing. They're one of the few members I remember having a decent discourse in the past. Hope all is well on their end.
What's wrong with being Moroccan 4 comments
metalman · 44 weeks ago
Do you still talk to famousone?
Australia 2023 4 comments
metalman · 1 year ago
Wouldn't you like to know
Australia 2023 4 comments
metalman · 1 year ago
Long time no see funsub
Oh noes, socialism! 4 comments
metalman · 1 year ago
Do you think that if Jesus had the ability to feed them every day he wouldn't?
No Germany was completely incompetent dog poo stupid bad 1 comments
metalman · 1 year ago
The only chance nazi Germany had is if they weren't nazis and hitler wasn't hitler.
yes 4 comments
metalman · 1 year ago
You're still required to pay for illicit gains in the us tax code but rather than declaring it as an income there's a way to declare the income as "other". Had Capone paid taxes on his illicit gains he never would've ended up in prison
Wilhelm: Hey, you weren't supposed to do that 1 comments
metalman · 1 year ago
Iirc by the time this occurred Willhelm was little more than a figurehead. Ludendorf was calling the shots and his officers were the ones who got Lenin into Russia
You ever just realize you don't even care? 2 comments
metalman · 1 year ago
This is why I don't comment anymore
You alright Americans? 2 comments
metalman · 1 year ago
I bought my house for $125,000 when it was valued at $150,000 from a family friend in 2020. It's now valued at $200,000. The housing market is beyond broken and I feel bad for anyone trying to buy a house oven the next several years.
Anyone got any ideas? 2 comments
metalman · 1 year ago
The IRS agent flirting with me through my tax agent
You will pay for my gym membership 11 comments
metalman · 1 year ago
No one who says shit like this is a decent human being
Fit for a king 1 comments
metalman · 1 year ago
The title is the name of an excellent metalcore band
Possibly the second best scene from the movie 1 comments
metalman · 1 year ago
Wouldn't that make it prehistoric?
heh 6 comments
metalman · 2 years ago
This tipped the scales in a way that had never happened before. The jews being the majority did what the majority does in all nations. They make a state in their image. Muslims and Arab states didn't view this favorably as a lower class of people had now controlled what had been there's for 1000's of years. It was a region of major importance to their religion. This culminated in several wars and proxy wars throughout the Middle East and Africa into the modern day.
None of the above is a justification for anti Semitic ideology. It's a brief summation of what I've seen and read over the years in regards to the "Jewish question". Anti-Semitic people are awful. Imo the best way to combat hate is to confront it. The best way I know how is to provide nuance. From the things ive read this is how anti-Semitic "historians" and people's of yesteryears viewed jews.
heh 6 comments
metalman · 2 years ago
This often where you get the pogroms and things of the like. This predominantly focused on europe as I'm more familiar with this side of the story. Jewish hatred in the middle east comes in more of a modern flair. During the Persian empire and subsequent empires throughout history jews would be tolerated. As with europe they would never be the majority. Jews would often be more permissible in court in middle eastern kingdoms. This would change from time to time and ruler to ruler but things would come to a head after ww1. The British imperial administration began seeing the potential of a Jewish state existing in the holy land favorably. Some of this being a good will gesture and some being part of the "rich jew" stereotype. A Jewish state that owed its existence to the British empire would be seen by jews in Britain as a godsend and would be more loyal to the empire. After ww2 this state became a reality. In doing so the brits helped move large numbers of jews into the holy land.
heh 6 comments
metalman · 2 years ago
Jews also received large amounts of animosity due to the distinct difference between Christianity and Judaism. Christianity is largely a convert heavy religion. Those who aren't Christians are often pursued by Christians in order to co very them. Judaism is entirely different. Judaism is often very hostile in the ability to convert. This being said jews would always be a minority in whatever lands the occupied making it easier to use them as a boogeyman to farm resentment. The jews to many Christians throughout early Christianity and into the medieval era had very odd practices that would rub them the wrong way. For example during the black plague jews would, relatively, fair better than Christians. This has been attributed to the common practice of regular bathing that the jews practiced during that period. Due to the bathing and overall cleaner living conditions jews didn't catch the plague as often. This lead Christians to assume the jews had started it all.
heh 6 comments
metalman · 2 years ago
With the accumulation of wealth comes power. Now this power comes with caveats. As during these times the divine right of kings was in full swing. Therefore the monarch could largely do as they pleased within reason. So long as the monarch didn't confiscate wealth or lands from his more powerful subjects they would be able to reign freely. Jews in many kingdoms weren't considered subjects but rather foreigners. Therefore these rules didn't apply to Jews. Monarchs could and often would confiscate land and wealth from Jewish people within their lands to supplement their holdings. In doing so the monarchs would often resort to scape goating in order to make the jews to be an enemy that needed to be eradicated as a means to confiscate their wealth. Jews with better connections at court could be left alone. This is where the "sneaky jew" concept arises from.
heh 6 comments
metalman · 2 years ago
This is an oversimplification. Jews were often used as facilitators of wealth. Specifically in the banking world kings, lords or others with access to wealth would use Jews as a means to loan out money in a means to collect interest as during much or early Christian history the practice of interest collection was if not outlawed then heavily frowned upon. Deuteronomy 23:19-20 specifically denounces collection of interest amongst Israelites and by extension early Christians saw themselves as the new israelites.
1 · Edited 2 years ago
Brutal 1 comments
metalman · 2 years ago
I remember all of them but the pink one. Who tf is the pink one?
Not as sweet as I expected 2 comments
metalman · 2 years ago
Excellent meme
1 · Edited 2 years ago
Lecture time 1 comments
metalman · 2 years ago
DeSantis performing a large human trafficking scheme in broad daylight whilst using tax payer money to own the libs.
*** you Joseph 1 comments
metalman · 2 years ago
I mean... lenin also denounced every potential soviet leader that had the ability to assume power before his death. There's a large historical debate whether the 2nd document Krupskaya brought forward denouncing Stalin, after Lenins death, was legitimately from Lenin as she and several other inner circle communists despised Stalin. The biggest contention I've read against its authenticity would be how lucid Lenin would've been in his final days. Especially considering how Lenin would initial or otherwise indicate on paper that the words written were his own while Krupskayas last papers were missing any form of signature from Lenin.
That actually explains a lot. 2 comments
metalman · 2 years ago
Not really no. Historically most decisions were made by older men who convinced younger men to do their bidding.
Now you know 2 comments
metalman · 2 years ago
Or just charge then with animal abuse...