"Don't click next episode. Don't even click. Click and you're dead. You're using up all your internet- no- wait- stop- it's going to run your life- st-" *clicks next episode*
I did this with Parks and Rec and Friday Night Lights. Although obviously it won't be very long, I'm planning on doing this with Sherlock since I have yet to watch it but I really want to. Three episodes a season (or is it a year?) would drive me crazy! Idk how you guys do it!
*looks into the middle distance* Three episodes a season. One season every two years. It... does things to us... Especially with Moffat's cliff-hangers...
Watched all of Sherlock in two days. After season 3, it was kinda like coming out of the shower spluttering and tearing because soap got in your eyes and everything burrnnnsssss
Season two's end was worse.