What about a pic with a bookshelf and one book is backwards, one is upside down and a small book is placed between bigger books also all the books will have the same coloured cover except one and they'll be put in numerical order except one of them all these problems will be different books
On a shelf with 30 identical books numbered and placed on a shelf you will see the 5 irregularities mentioned above, show this to someone who is OCD and they will flip out
really wish people would stop associating a seriously debilitating disorder (OCD) with the simple desire for things to be in place and organized. just because you like things a certain way or are calmed by images like this doesn't mean you have OCD. OCD is a life altering mental illness that is absolutely awful to live with. posts like this just invalidate the experiences of people with true OCD and turn it into a joke. how many people a day do you hear say, "omg I'm so OCD!" you're not. don't self-diagnose just because you're a neat freak. OCD is about obsessing, not needing things organized. that's why it's called OBSESSIVE compulsive disorder. that's why you hear stories about people who will do that same routine over and over because their brain tells them that's the only way to keep their loved ones from dying. as someone who has true OCD and has been diagnosed by a psychiatrist it is very frustrating to see posts like this all the time. not sorry.
· 10 years ago
And THERE'S the comment that I knew would come at some point.
@lucykate. We're just having some fun with pictures that give us satisfaction. The only reason you had to camment was because there was OCD in the comment. And don't we all have a little pinch of it ??
And yeah you're right, if people weren't calling this OCD then I wouldn't have commented. I get that people like things to line up and stuff. That's fine, just don't call it OCD. And @specialagentjesus whatever, it has to be said. People don't understand what OCD really is and it's incredibly demeaning to hear people almost brag about having a serious disease that those of us who do have it wish we didn't. I'm not sorry, I'm advocating for others with mental illnesses. I'm trying to make people think for a second.
· 10 years ago
You haven't seen people joking about cancer and other diseases? Where have you been to not see them?!
People aren't using the term OCD as a fashion trend; they're using it in the everyday, same way as they use terms like 'depressed' and 'crazy'.
Most people I know don't joke about cancer...and OCD definitely has become a trend. People think it's cool to have mental disorders now apparently. I'm not trying to start a fight here, people.
Im not trying to start a fight either but *spiderman in a hospital bed meme* "your comment gave me cancer" (your argument is invalid) also it sucks that people around you don't take it seriously but this is the Internet and jokes like these are everywhere, and they're just that jokes
Edited 10 years ago
· 10 years ago
"Oh God, don't joke about it, it's a medical condition."
Calm down. If we do not joke about what saddens, scares or hurts us, we have nothing left.
People aren't using the term OCD as a fashion trend; they're using it in the everyday, same way as they use terms like 'depressed' and 'crazy'.
Calm down. If we do not joke about what saddens, scares or hurts us, we have nothing left.
*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*