It's to emphasize that some of us might be putting teaching kids manners before kindness and the true meaning of equality by showing us something shocking and finding ourselves offended by something as insignificant as language when there are much more importaint things to be changing in the world.
There are more ways to change the world, and Emma Watson did just that at the UN. You don't need to utilize shock tactics like this, and while a broader and more complex message may be behind the outer shell of the video, children's minds are not necessarily able to process that. The young girls in this video are being taught that to get equal rights, they have to yell, curse, and be angry. I'm a supporter of equal rights and always have been. But then you see the extremist feminists rioting and utilizing their power in numbers to silence others, and while they fucking piss me off to no end and are doing little to further their cause, I still support equal rights. So when I insult women like that, I'm not insulting women in general. I'm insulting the fucking rude and horrible people (and there are men like that I hate too)
Feminists everywhere should follow Emma Watson's example. She is doing feminism right.
I'm not going to say it's the best way to send the message because that's debatable but if this crazy shock tactic made you think then it was effective.
I think, What, that she meant they should be taught how to make effective points and to stand up for what they believe in properly, rather than just being yelly and rude, but I agree, it was effective.
Exploiting children for shock value to condemn the exploitation of women. Makes perfect sense, right?
Also, what is this teaching those young girls? That swearing and profanity is the most effective way to make a point? That's the furthest thing from the truth in the professional world.
We, as women, need to fight for equality. That being said, this is a pretty horrible way of doing so. Bring on the downvotes.
I think the message is good, but fckh8 it's not a good company, they don't donate money to charity and the t-shirts you buy from them don't help feminism at all, they just make money out of important causes.
Exactly. FCKH8 is actually a terrible company that exploits everything from sexuality to gender equality to the whole thing in Ferguson. They've been known to say they will donate proceeds to charities and didn't actually donate shit until they were asked to prove that they did.
Here's the thing: fckh8 doesn't care about feminism or sexualities (they're openly against bisexuals, asexuals, pansexuals, and trans people) and they use children as pawns to get a rise out of the public. They keep the money they get and don't donate it to helping LGBTQ youth. Tldr: fckh8 is the worst and supporting it is a terible idea
Feminists everywhere should follow Emma Watson's example. She is doing feminism right.
Also, what is this teaching those young girls? That swearing and profanity is the most effective way to make a point? That's the furthest thing from the truth in the professional world.
We, as women, need to fight for equality. That being said, this is a pretty horrible way of doing so. Bring on the downvotes.
Why is society so f**ked up, I can state about 100 things wrong right now