Who the fuck believes this?? Its not a fucking distraction for just guys but any visitors, girls, teachers, and etc. Schools have rules and a dress code therefore if you don't follow these rules and purposely go against them of fucking course you're going to be introuble. My school doesn't send kids home. They have them call their parents to bring them clothes and if they can't the school provides clothing from the lost and found (which is washed regularly).
My school has a rule for hair and dyeing your hair. A girl walked into the commons area (where everyone meets before class starts) with bright blue hair. It brought on an uproar of people pointing, staring, and talking about her. The school pulled her aside and told her that if she were to do it again she'd be in trouble. She hasn't done it since and she was alloud to go to class.
If people can't handle shoulders and half a thigh, then there is a problem. I understand getting in trouble for wearing something like booty shorts and a crop top, but most girls are forced out of class for far less. Heaven forbid the strap on your tank top is less than two fingers thick or your skirt shows the back of your knees. Whereas guys can where pretty much whatever the hell they want. Do schools think muscle shirts are distracting? No. So why is a girl's tank top?
What kind of school do you go to where muscle shirts are okay? And yes guys can for the most part do what they want because most guys' clothes aren't like girls' clothes. Theirs rules for guys and girls but guys are more likely to follow the rules because most guys clothing isn't revealing in anyway.
I would hardly call showing a bit of shin revealing. As long as breasts and bums are covered that should be good enough. Honestly, if you're foaming at the mouth over a girl's arms or legs, you're probably the one with the problem.
The problem is that if we slip up just once, even accidentally, for something like shorts being an inch too short, we're taken out of class and forced to wait god knows how long until we can get a change of clothes, IF we even can. Schools make far too big a deal of it. Legs are hidden under desks and lets face it, nobody really comes to school in a halter top. But hey, why be in class learning when you can wait in the office for shorts that are an inch longer?
Don't make that fucking mistake! I fucking wear jeans and a regular shirt everday to school. There's no mistake in what I wear but if you make a
Mistake its your fault not the schools, yours. An inch off will more than likely go unnoticed unless you have a pervert of a teacher. If you know how long your clothes are supposed to be then buy clothes specificaly for school and those for outside of school if its too hard for you to follow the rules.
Then buy them for school. School is more important than your outside clothes. Thats like saying I need clothes for work and then buying a pair of shorts and a tank top. Thats beyond stupid.
I know it is partly the girls responsibility to dress appropriately but also schools can't over react. If you are asked to change that's fair but when you miss a class or even a whole school day because your shorts are "too short" or your bra strap is showing it becomes ridiculous. I'm not blaming men I'm blaming the school system. Especially because (at least at my school) it's a double standard. Boys are allowed to wear muscles shirt and even though they are told they can't sag their pants they don't get punished if they do.
What pisses me off about this post is that it makes the schools into a sexist organization when all it does is promote a girls' image, prevent unwanted attention, etc. But no one wants to see that they just want to make the schools look bad. Take responsibility for not following the rules rather than blame others.
Have you ever actually been to school? Yes, it's the person's fault for breaking the rules if they choose to wear something against dress code. But do you know WHY the dress code exists? So that the kids aren't distracted. I kid you not, that's the only reason. "It increases focus and organization in the classroom," which is total BS. If I want to wear a tank top and shorts because it's over 100 outside and my classrooms are hot too, then I'm going to wear a tank top and shorts. It's not my fault if you get distracted by my shoulders or thighs, which exist on 99.5% of women and men in the world. It's nothing novel, there's no reason it should be a distraction. Unless I have a super cool tattoo. But because typically female clothing is far more revealing than men's clothing, it's the girls who get picked on and the girls are the reason the rules were created. I have never once seen a guy wearing a tank top get in trouble for it, but God forbid a girl's sleeve isn't three fingers thick.
i don't think schools are some "sexist organization" but i have noticed there are double standards in some school systems where girls are treated unfairly because schools think boys can't control themselves if a girls shoulder is showing. It's crazy! Especially because i think most boys don't even care.
· 10 years ago
When you stop making a big deal about dress codes, it stops bring a distraction. Kids at my high school were known for their creativity in clothing, but it never detracted from the actual learning.
I don't think its appropriate to dress like a whore to school. I'm a woman and there are plenty of ways to look sexy without looking like a slut. Wearing a short skirt? Throw on tights. Spaghetti strap top? Throw on a mini vest. The principle is respect yourself. If you were getting sent home while trying to cleverly conceal the unwanted apparel then I would see a problem. When you go into the real world you are often stereotyped sexually. Don't make it easy.
Women have to realize it is biologically expected to be attracted by the opposite sex. Making yourself appear easy (and that's the perception I get when I see a girl with a camisole and I see your twat skirt on) you should be expected to be looked down on. That's how prostitutes dress and they generally aren't happy or appreciated for more than their body.
This is just my opinion and I'm sorry if I offend. But once you are out looking for a job, you won't get far dressed like that. We have enough to overcome.
My school doesn't allow clothing with holes, short skirts, or spaghetti straps to the point where they won't even let you wear them if you have an undershirt/leggings.
So if girls don't want to be sent home, they shouldn't dress inappropriately. If they dress inappropriately knowing they will be sent home to change, then they obviously don't want to be in school to begin with.
At my school we wear a uniform. On the days we don't, we have to cover "The Three B's" Boobs, Butt, and Belly. I think if those are covered then you're fine. Shoulders are too sexy for you? That's now a you problem.
I disagree. You are telling her that who she is, that her ability to understand her value, and her being strong enough to stand on her own without needing to feel like a boy is attracted to her is just as important as her knowledge. That the measure of her worth isn't the guys arm that she can hang on. It's striving to help her realize that she is valuable and appreciated not as something to look at, but for who she is.
I can appreciate the sentiment that women shouldn't have to cover up to be out in society. But the fact of the matter is, every culture has their standards of professional/unprofessional attire...for men and women. And while defiant teenage girls and young women have been pushing boundaries from the beginning of time (and with some obvious successes), they should know that micro skirts/shorts and skimpy camisoles just aren't appropriate at work or school. And if these girls want to stand up to The Man, fine. But they should be prepared to accept their forthcoming reprimand.
I agree that super revealing attire is not appropriate for school, but many rules on dress code go beyond keeping the necessities covered. For instance, yoga pants (which can easily be considered pants on their own) are against dress code in my school unless accompanied by knee length shorts or skirt. That's a bit ridiculous, wouldn't you agree?
As the memes say, "leggings are not pants." And they aren't. I fight with my 14 y/o daughter all the time if her shirt isn't long enough to cover her butt when she wears legging.
I'm pretty sure if a guy came in with short short-shorts that he would have to change. Or if a guy came in wearing no shirt, for instance, he would also be told to put something on to cover up. It's not just girls okay?
That's not completely true. Well they don't sit there and talk about who has the nicest ass, at least not usually, however I have talked about this with people before... But you're right, I don't think girls are as attracted to guys' asses as much as guys are to girls.
There's a post on here somewhere where a bunch of dudes worse "slutty" dresses to school, because the dress code said GIRLS couldn't wear them. And the guys got away with it. So while it was clearly a joke, I do think guys get away with more.
At my old school, we had uniforms and designated "girl" pants and "boy" pants. I liked the guy pants cause they had pockets but we could get suspended if we wore them... it was so ridiculous
Kibeth, I agree with you, that is ridiculous that you weren't able to wear boy pants and would get suspended, maybe they should put pockets on the girl pants too. But in some ways, I think, mandatory school uniforms help with bullying or worrying about what kids are wearing if it is appropriate or not. But at the same time, being able to wear whatever you want, to an extent, people are able to express themselves. But I agree, some dress codes are too strict.
At my school, we have to follow BBBU (no boobs, butt, belly, or underwear), and your shirt straps have to be at least 2 fingers thick. Last year, in June, I came to school dressed in shorts and a tank top (that was at least 2 fingers thick). It was also unbearably hot in the school. My teacher asked me to cover up, because she didn't like the straps on my tank top, but I didn't have anything with me. So my friend offered to lend me a sweater that was in her locker, which meant that we both had to leave in the middle of class to get a sweater that I had to wear for the rest of the day (it was boiling). Meanwhile other girls in my classes were walking around in crop tops, booty shorts, see-through tops, etc., and none of them got in trouble. Now how is that fair? Or my fault?
Honestly I'm glad my school has a uniform. The only issue we have is "stop rolling your skirts up!" and then all you have to do is roll them down- and then roll them up again when the teacher's gone. I think non-uniform dress code just causes hassle-bullying, pressure to have good clothes every day, and of course-this.
My school had a uniform, and granted I haven't been there for years, but there was absolute uproar when the school started trying to send girls home because their white bras were visible through their white standard issue uniform shirts. It doesn't necessarily follow that visible underwear is the fault of the girls'. I'm sure all the girls going braless with those shirts on would have caused far more chaos.
No, short shorts and exposed chests do not have a place in schools, for males or females. But considering most girls in secondary school have to wear a bra, it is unfair to discriminate against them for sleeveless shirts and bra straps being visible, when a male wearing exactly the same length of sleeve would not have that issue (unless he wanted to wear a bra I guess).
Also check out the rape mentality going on in the comments. People that find female bodies attractive are not animals, they are perfectly capable of exercising self control.
At my school I got in trouble for wearing a leopard print scarf because it too "flashy", there's nothing in our dress code about it. I always dress according to the school dress code and they make up rules to get me to do something ridiculous. They saw a little bit of my hip one day because my shirt rolled up somehow and I got sent to he office.
To the woman who says she sees girls dressed in short skirts as easy, wow, you are a judgemental bitch. Why not say college girls who get raped are asking for it because of the way they dressed. However, your freedoms get taken away in school. Deal with it. life isn't fair. Dress provocatively when you're old enough to consent.
It says, "take pride in who you are, not your outward appearance. You are here to learn." It also says, "Other people adhere to these rules, and you should, too. It's not becoming of a young lady." And I say "Put clothes on that make you look like a presentable individual. One that wants to make a future for oneself, and the people around you." I became a medical doctor, and decided I would wear a button up shirt and tie to work. It looks nicer than if I wore a tank top to flex my "guns" at the ladies. Grow up.
· 10 years ago
In my school everyone wears anything they like, as long as it isnt bellybutton showing..
tops, shorts, anything, even low backs and green hair :S
Why is this weird in other countries??
· 10 years ago
Its also the mentality of people, in example, in Holland they are very straightforward. They tell you you can express yourself the way you want, so wear whatever you like to school, but we all have some kind of unspoken law that when there is an occasion, dress modest if you want to be taken seriously.
it's partially preparing for the future. In a job interview, or the job itself, you'll be expected to comply with the dress code- if you have to come in a black jacket and trousers and a white blouse- you do it, or else kiss that job goodbye! It's about learning to keep in line and stick to the rules. Besides, if you let one girl get off with breaking the rules- then the others will start pushing it- and by then it'll be difficult to rein it in. And if they can't control it- they could bring in a uniform. Don't push your boundaries, because if you do then they'll just set them higher.
To the people who disliked this, men are mostly mugged, beaten, tortured, have the highest suicide rates, etc. The child usually goes to the women and men are still raped. (Not to many men) women are mostly raped (not to be mean) and have birth things. There are the differences.
Mistake its your fault not the schools, yours. An inch off will more than likely go unnoticed unless you have a pervert of a teacher. If you know how long your clothes are supposed to be then buy clothes specificaly for school and those for outside of school if its too hard for you to follow the rules.
Women have to realize it is biologically expected to be attracted by the opposite sex. Making yourself appear easy (and that's the perception I get when I see a girl with a camisole and I see your twat skirt on) you should be expected to be looked down on. That's how prostitutes dress and they generally aren't happy or appreciated for more than their body.
This is just my opinion and I'm sorry if I offend. But once you are out looking for a job, you won't get far dressed like that. We have enough to overcome.
At my old school, we had uniforms and designated "girl" pants and "boy" pants. I liked the guy pants cause they had pockets but we could get suspended if we wore them... it was so ridiculous
No, short shorts and exposed chests do not have a place in schools, for males or females. But considering most girls in secondary school have to wear a bra, it is unfair to discriminate against them for sleeveless shirts and bra straps being visible, when a male wearing exactly the same length of sleeve would not have that issue (unless he wanted to wear a bra I guess).
Also check out the rape mentality going on in the comments. People that find female bodies attractive are not animals, they are perfectly capable of exercising self control.
tops, shorts, anything, even low backs and green hair :S
Why is this weird in other countries??