I know. It's been a tradition for, how long? Over 50 years. No kid would think he's a slave.
· 10 years ago
Its been almost 100 years, and the Zwarte Piet is black because they go by the chimney into the house and get dirty. EU was thinking racist, even black people in my class were disappointed that they were discussing this shit instead of more important things, like the abolition of study finance!
Racism is like feminism now, all the people exaggerating and stuff. Is it wrong to be black? To say someone is black skinned or dark? Cause I don't feel offended when someone tells me I'm white. It's like getting offended from being called German, linked back to the nazis. It's in the past, we're trying to get over it, but if people make such a fuss how can we be all equal?
All I want to say is that with all of their opinions being thrown around as to why they didn't like or want that statue to be, they forgot about why those kids made it and how it made them feel as they turned their hard work and good will into a pile of ash. Those kids weren't thinking about all of that, only that they wanted to honor a world hero. Shame on adults, seriously.