It doesn't encourage anything, it just makes it worse for them
10 years ago by phantom91 · 3381 Likes · 6 comments · Popular
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· 10 years ago
Do people really laugh when witnessing others buying condoms? Or pads/tampons, for that matter?
· 10 years ago
That is reaaaaally imature! Why would you laugh?
· 10 years ago
Right they're being responsible. Instead of teaching abstinence until marriage so you can have a beautiful and pure connection with someone you truly truly love, let's just give all the kids sex protectors
Edited 10 years ago
· 10 years ago
I don't believe that sex is something that should only be reserved for those who are married, much like I don't believe that being married to someone necessarily means that you "truly truly love" them. Tying the knot does not automatically unlock a "beautiful and pure connection", this is possible without marriage. In my opinion, sex is acceptable where both parties trust each other enough to know that they won't just end up regretting the whole thing, and are also educated and aware of the risks of having sex. So if this means that teenagers are conscious and mature enough to buy protection beforehand, instead of going at it like wild, hormonal monkeys, then I say, sure, have a blast.
· 10 years ago
You can do what you want but abstinence education in lieu of proper sex education does not usually work. One of my friends from out of state had an abstinence only education and dozens of girls got pregnant in her class and who knows how many stds were going around. A friend from another state received thorough sex education that just encouraged abstinence and according to her only one girl in her class got pregnant, these schools were roughly the same size by the way. Also getting married before sex is like buying a car without test driving it. Sure for a lot of people it works out great but I've also known more than one divorced woman who waited only to find that their prince charming was an un-attentive and sometimes even abusive person in bed. Sex is a large part of a relationship to leave to chance, if that is how you want to do it I respect that but don't act like it is the only acceptable way and don't try to force on kids that aren't yours.
· 10 years ago
Would you want to drink a soda that hadn't been opened or one that's had 9 penises in it? Haha I'm playing y'all. Look to me, that's what I believe and I don't really like the idea of teenagers having sex if they aren't going to stay together for the rest of their lives, but I've put my opinion out there and gotten my hardassery out of the way. If you all believe in safe sex instead of abstinence, you have every freedom to do what's right in your own eyes. By all means I'm won't judge you for it, I just have my own opinion.