No idea. I don't know about guns at all, all I know is that the welrod has to be the best thing to ever be created on this earth.
But it's a bolt-action pistol whose entire barrel is the suppressor. Who cares if it's only effective to 70 feet and accurate to something like 40 feet? I want one just so that I can say I have a bolt action pistol. It looks so badassly stupid. Look at it. It's a cute badass gun.
Glocks are awesome!
My first pistol was a Glock, so I may be a bit biased.
I myslef actually want an M1911A1.
Any reccomendations?
But still, excellent choice for spec ops and hitman alike.
How about snipers? You like WWII snipers?
I want an M1903, how about you?