Does it need a minute hand? The minutes are the same no matter where you are. The only thing you'd need to know is the hour. The real problem is it doesn't have am/pm. Because Shanghai and New York are not one hour apart, they're thirteen hours apart.
Edited 10 years ago
· 10 years ago
Thats not true, the time difference between Dubai and Kabul is +/- half an hour (in example).
Just don't get one, you obviously can't comprehend its purpose.
· 10 years ago
So this clock only shows time difference in a few major cities throughout the world, like the gif shows? The gif shows shanghai 11:00 and new york 22:00 so it doesnt show the am and pm either ( like missmovielady says). It looks very useless or it can be just me..
Edited 10 years ago
· 10 years ago
This would be so neat if I were wildly successful and found myself waking up in cities and not being bothered to remember how many hours different New York was from Tokyo. Lucky for me, though, the time (and my life) is exactly the same every single morning I wake up.