I didn't think that shirt was offensive, and I am a woman. If a 'feminist' who wore a shirt with a phallic image on it received the same treatment, there would be an uproar and a bunch of people getting upset.
Well don't undermine feminism just because a few of them got so offended by something that seems petty to you and I. While I half agree that their actions were necessary, please don't generalize all feminists working to increase equality
If you "half agree" that their actions were necessary than you are part of what's wrong with feminism and you have contradicted yourself in your statement btw
The thing with this is that for one, last time I checked mistreating and humiliating someone for something they choose to wear (no matter how scandalous some people may or may not find it) WAS WRONG and unacceptable (and yes this is about women's clothing). Second, are people aware what female circumcisions are? Most don't. There are women being mutilated, stoned, killed, raped and living in suffering out there... maimed because of religion or politics, conflict etc... I am a man, and i'm aware of the suffering these women out there helplessly endure. SO instead of bringing awareness and maybe uniting in change TO SAVE lives, we pick on a guy for his fucking shirt? HIS SHIRT?! So these so called "feminists" "femme warriors" "Vag Vanguards" whatever, are not just hypocrites, but don't even try to make a difference to save actual lives? It is sickening no matter how you see it.
in South Africa, women are issued a special kind of femidom when they're 14, which has barbed teeth inside, so if a guy tries to rape her, he can't pull his dick out without being horrifically mutilated. But who cares about that, this guy wore a shirt with hot chicks on it.
I am a girl and that shirt does not offend me it's like girls Hollister bags if u stop him from wearing the shirt stop girls from parading half naked boys on their bags
Cough hollister Cough
Ok sorry but I'm allergic to FEMINism which is supposed to bring men and women to an equal level but yet is just shitstorming about half naked women
That's not feminism though. The shirt is just that, a freaking shirt. Feminists get labelled with this shit all the time, when really it's just a bunch of extreme men haters looking for a reason to bitch. True feminism has fuck all to do with the hate over this guys sexy lady shirt. They may call themselves that, but most of us women think they are being ridiculous.
This is bullsh*t, they are taking away his moment of success, he wasnt wearing the shirt to put down women, he just liked it. People need to stop taking things so frexing personally.
http://m.funsubstance.com/fun/194221/get-that-patriarchal-trash-off-my-news-feed/. The users raging against men making jokes at women's expense on the patriarchal trash post are absent on the comet post. http://m.funsubstance.com/fun/194217/dont-fall-asleep-in-las-vegas/. Now the commenters raging against patriarchal trash are absent here as well
The real problem is that nobody can seem to take a joke anymore. Nobody is allowed to do their own thing anymore (even though we are supposed to "co exist"). Every joke is oppressing somebody. We all need to just shut the fuck up and laugh one in a while.
So I can't help but notice that when the issue is girls wearing slightly short skirts or bare arms in school, a bunch of people get upset about unprofessional attire. Why is it okay for a scientist in a professional situation to wear something so tasteless?
I realize he was promoting his friend, but this wasn't the right situation for that. It's also not relevant that his friend was female. Women also sometimes participate in their own oppression.
· 10 years ago
You're assuming that the people who complain about women's clothing choices are the same as those defending this man's. Unless you can prove they are then your comment is fallacious. If anything it makes more sense that the people who object to women's clothing choices also object to this man's shirt as this would be consistent with their stated beliefs.
· 10 years ago
"It's also not relevant that his friend was female. Women also sometimes participate in their own oppression."
Assuming a woman cannot make her own informed choices based on her not agreeing with you is pretty damn misogynistic.
· 10 years ago
Right Norman, I'm the misogynist. I've seen the light now. The holy ghost of misogyny has blessed me with the gift of oppression. Thank you.
I did not call you a misogynist, I said that denying a woman's agency on the basis of her disagreeing with you is misogynistic. I was not attacking you, but demonstrating the flaw in your argument.
· 10 years ago
Maybe not, but you did use a strawman argument by misinterpreting mine.
I haven't personally decided for myself whether the shirt in question is sexist. Some people are arguing that it can't be on the grounds that it was made by a women. I'm arguing that women are also capable of reinforcing sexism against women. I never said - or even implied - anything about women not being able to make choices.
· 10 years ago
And of course there's no way to prove that the same people argued for clothing choices. I have no way of knowing who up voted both. You are assuming that people's beliefs and personalities are consistent. A post-modernist view would see individual identities and beliefs as multi-faceted and sometimes conflicting. Greater awareness of conflicting beliefs may help to achieve more cohesion.
· 10 years ago
Where did I misrepresent your argument? You claimed that the creator of the shirt being a woman was irrelevant, I demonstrated the logic behind that claim to be an example of misogyny. And actually, writing off a woman's disagreement as reinforcing sexism against women certainly is denying her agency. If you're going to make that claim you require proof beyond her disagreeing with you, otherwise it's just a strawman, and a misogynistic one at that.
· 10 years ago
"And of course there's no way to prove that the same people argued for clothing choices."
Exactly my point, there's no way to prove it either way, yet you confidently asserted the opposite claim.
· 10 years ago
Again, you're misrepresenting my argument. I never said that disagreeing with me makes it sexist. Read it again until you understand.
· 10 years ago
And again, where did I misrepresent your argument? If anything you're misrepresenting mine: I'm not saying disagreeing with you makes it sexist, I'm saying that dismissing a woman's opinion on a matter of sexism as internalized misogyny because it does not agree with your own is itself misogynistic.
Edited 10 years ago
· 10 years ago
I never did that, so your point is irrelevant.
· 10 years ago
Except you did:
"It's also not relevant that his friend was female. Women also sometimes participate in their own oppression. "
bless him. don't get me wrong, I wouldn't call that 'feminism' more just being a total asshole hiding behind the title of 'feminism', but really, poor guy :(
It is indeed a sad day when you click on the comments, expecting to see something insightfull, and all of the brilliant comments are ruined by a few ignorant people *cough*sadtruth*cough* who don't know when to shut up. But to you guys who have been pro equality, great job. Now all we have to do is get these views (otherwise known as common sense) to be seen as public opinion. That can't be difficult to do, not at all (note the complete lack of sarcasm.)
At this point I really do have to agree with the statement 'fuck feminism' because if you actually want gender equality, you're a 'gender equalist' or something to that affect, it's the exact same reason Martin Luther King Jr. made more of a difference than Malcolm X
So when I apply for a job and get offered $8,000 less than the guy that applied for the exact same position a couple months later (same skill set, same qualification, same position) that's equality?
I'm not sure what rose coloured glasses you see the world in, and I'm just gonna go right ahead and assume you're a man here, but equality does not exist even in 1st world countries. And even if it did, equality is not real until all women in all countries can walk down a street alone without being raped (and get blamed for walking alone), or suffer domestic violence, or be spoken down to on a daily basis about what they are wearing. Fuck off that feminism is not needed. Maybe research a little. I hope you have daughters (and that you're not a shit father and they actually share their feelings with you) and they can tell you how the boys at school make nasty comments about her body until she cried, how she was followed by a boy and had to run to save herself.
sadtruth I have noticed you commenting these types of things on a few of these posts, and I really don't know why you believe what you do. Until you have walked in woman's shoes and see what we have to deal with, how dare you say we have it equal and don't need feminism.
That pay thing doesn't exist anymore. It did maybe 5-10 years ago but not anymore. You get a longer maternity leave. If I worked at a company for ten years and you just join, I'm going to get played more.
Yeah, but I worked there for about 8 months already when the guy got (as previously mentioned) the exact same job, he had the same skill set and qualifications as me and he still got $8,000 more a year. It existed 5-10 years ago...and it still does. It doesn't affect you so you obviously don't care.
And that's the only thing you decided to discuss? Cause that's all that feminism is working towards hey? Educate yourself boy!
My older sister, an electrical engineer, found out about a year ago that she was the lowest paid person in her area. Even though she had been there for years more then many coworkers, even though her credentials were superior to many coworkers, and even though she was above many of those coworkers. Her manager tried to get her a raise to equal it out. It was denied because the requested raise was for a 25% increase in her salary, to reflect what her male colleagues made. It was denied because, even though she deserved it, and her boss agreed that she did, they had a policy to deny all raises over 5%. Tell me again that there isn't a wage gap.
But the post is about gaining support AGAINST a feminism. He should have carried himself in a respectful manor if he wanted respect from all feminists and women
The shirt was designed specifically for him by a WOMAN. I'm a woman as well & understand how we can be objectified in certain ways, however I also acquire a BRAIN & understand that not all women view it as being objectified, they actually enjoy showing off what the good Lord gave them. Hop off overly sensitive being with lack of brain cells! You are not helping- you are actually making things worse by opening your ignorant mouth.
Yeah, you're right, I can get the same job as a man and make nearly 80% as much as they make! Yay! And I also get to be shouted at in the street for unsolicited sexual comments! You're so right, who gives a fuck about feminism? You ass
Well done sadtruth, you have shown great ability to type words into google. I can also do the same thing. Yay me. I have previously mentioned that I don't know why you are focusing on the pay gap thing, that is not all that matters.
Is that the only thing you could find a supporting argument for? How about 1 in 4 women will be raped in their lifetime, and the stats are way worse for third world countries (in some, they have a 50/50 chance they will be aped, and more than once). But then you have shown you only seem to care about how the US 'has equality' already because the 'pay gap doesn't exist anymore', so that probably won't matter to you either.
I found the shirt tacky and in bad taste. He demonstrates he does not respect women. "Should I wear a polo or my half naked chick shirt when I'm on TV? Half naked chick- chicks don't do science!"
Ok sorry but I'm allergic to FEMINism which is supposed to bring men and women to an equal level but yet is just shitstorming about half naked women
The real problem is that nobody can seem to take a joke anymore. Nobody is allowed to do their own thing anymore (even though we are supposed to "co exist"). Every joke is oppressing somebody. We all need to just shut the fuck up and laugh one in a while.
I realize he was promoting his friend, but this wasn't the right situation for that. It's also not relevant that his friend was female. Women also sometimes participate in their own oppression.
Assuming a woman cannot make her own informed choices based on her not agreeing with you is pretty damn misogynistic.
I haven't personally decided for myself whether the shirt in question is sexist. Some people are arguing that it can't be on the grounds that it was made by a women. I'm arguing that women are also capable of reinforcing sexism against women. I never said - or even implied - anything about women not being able to make choices.
Exactly my point, there's no way to prove it either way, yet you confidently asserted the opposite claim.
"It's also not relevant that his friend was female. Women also sometimes participate in their own oppression. "
I'm not sure what rose coloured glasses you see the world in, and I'm just gonna go right ahead and assume you're a man here, but equality does not exist even in 1st world countries. And even if it did, equality is not real until all women in all countries can walk down a street alone without being raped (and get blamed for walking alone), or suffer domestic violence, or be spoken down to on a daily basis about what they are wearing. Fuck off that feminism is not needed. Maybe research a little. I hope you have daughters (and that you're not a shit father and they actually share their feelings with you) and they can tell you how the boys at school make nasty comments about her body until she cried, how she was followed by a boy and had to run to save herself.
And that's the only thing you decided to discuss? Cause that's all that feminism is working towards hey? Educate yourself boy!
Is that the only thing you could find a supporting argument for? How about 1 in 4 women will be raped in their lifetime, and the stats are way worse for third world countries (in some, they have a 50/50 chance they will be aped, and more than once). But then you have shown you only seem to care about how the US 'has equality' already because the 'pay gap doesn't exist anymore', so that probably won't matter to you either.