I would have laughed so hard! Something like that happened to me. I really loved the toy She-Ra as a little Papa, and I still hold a fondness for it. My aunt wanted to get me a Christmas present Warcraft related, so she asked my cousin for help. You can buy mounts for cash, and she got me the sparkle pony since she thought it was She-ra's horse. I didn't care for the model, but I look at it and think, "Well, she tried." Now I use it when I'm sad.
She also scored me a Captain Harlock t-shirt. She heard me talking about the Space Pirates in Metroid and just goggled 'space pirate anime' shirt.'
Yeah fuck them for trying to get you want you wanted. How god damn dare they try to please you. You think you could understand pop culture from their generation? Grow the fuck up and be happy for the presents you have you ungrateful piece of shit.
I can somewhat understand the disappointment, but I mean come on. I'm not gonna say "You should be grateful because other people have it worse" because I think it is shitty and illogical to invalidate someone's feelings because someone else in the world has it worse. It doesn't help anything, and there will always be someone worse off. However, if someone buys you a gift you should appreciate it, simply because that person tried to make you happy. If it isn't the item you wanted, you have every right to be disappointed, it doesn't mean you're ungrateful as long as you appreciate the fact that like others said, people tried. However, the issue here is the way this was handled and expressed. Don't ever discourage people from doing something nice and attempting to take an interest in something you care about even if they don't completely understand it. Also, I don't think lacking appreciation of kindness is a generational thing, so please don't lump others in with you.
She also scored me a Captain Harlock t-shirt. She heard me talking about the Space Pirates in Metroid and just goggled 'space pirate anime' shirt.'