

— Ariactina Report User
Don't Try To Understand 13 comments
ariactina · 9 years ago
At least they tried. They tried being supportive of what you like, that's really nice.
5...4...3...2...1 6 comments
ariactina · 9 years ago
This is relevant again
When I'm trying to baby-sit 9 comments
ariactina · 9 years ago
a The Inclredibles especial, that's Jack Jack
Stingray regrets 13 comments
ariactina · 9 years ago
Can somebody explain?
Fart picked up on thermal camera 14 comments
ariactina · 9 years ago
Why aren't we using this? 5 comments
ariactina · 9 years ago
Using this for what, exactly?
Exact thing 17 comments
ariactina · 9 years ago
I don't think it works that way. If you see your partner as just a sexual/romantic objects, and don't feel a little bit like friends, then it's just sad.
Guy does perfect Impression of the 11th Doctor! 17 comments
ariactina · 10 years ago
Holly molly wacamole he is good!
Good guy alzheimer's patient 4 comments
ariactina · 10 years ago
i don't know how I feel about the cigarette/joint being photoshopped out... it's part of the good guy's essence...
This tree's branch became an independent tree 6 comments
ariactina · 10 years ago
I'm an independet branch who needs no tree!
That little paw 7 comments
ariactina · 10 years ago
That face at the end tho =3
My favorite thing to lick 10 comments
ariactina · 10 years ago
I, too, enjoy licking my children. It doesn't help they haven't even been "produced" yet.
A letter from a father to his daughter 26 comments
ariactina · 10 years ago
Just wondering, what makes you think the majority are? I mean, you met a lot of cool girls, but maybe the majority of the women you met are like that? Or are you making an assumption based on the internet's stereotype? Let me break it down for you; emotional needs with ladies? are almost the same as guys, but guys are made to brush it off and deal with it and suck it up, getting used to not express so much. I'm not saying "the majority of guys", I'm saying "There's a stereotype of man than makes guys act like rocks (or they will lose their man-card)and, in some cases, it's even given to them by their families". On the other hand, it is proven that girls are more emotional than guys, but that doesn't mean they will need you to fix their every problem. Cuddling? Let me tell you something, it is also proven (google it up) that guys are usually the ones that want cuddling more than girls. Just saying man.
A letter from a father to his daughter 26 comments
ariactina · 10 years ago
While I think that maybe it's a tiny little bit sad that the dad included all those possibilities but now a girl in the picture, I don't think that while he wrote it he was thinking "but if you get with a girl you'll be kicked out of my house". He's showing that he doesn't care who she's with, as long as she's loved and respected, and that he wishes that she never forgets to love and respect herself and not degrade herself just to make her partner stay with her. This isn't homophobic, he probably just didn't go there, he could have forgotten or just gave it as understood. Right, lesbians are not mentioned. In a good or a bad way. So let's move on and actually read the message.
I did not know this 26 comments
ariactina · 10 years ago
The force is strong with this one
I did not know this 26 comments
ariactina · 10 years ago
WTF same!
Any OITNB Fans?? 12 comments
ariactina · 10 years ago
What does OITNB stand for?
The Man In The Snow 29 comments
ariactina · 10 years ago
Great! Glad to hear that. Then, let the multiple horror stories near midnight begin :3
The Man In The Snow 29 comments
ariactina · 10 years ago
I don't think it's monopolizable. They've been longing around here some time ago, and you may have posted some recently, making others want to contribute, but I don't see the problem there... It's not anybody's "thing", though you can have a preference of posting stories like such. Not trying to say it aggressively tho.
17-year olds be like... 15 comments
ariactina · 10 years ago
Pompous dolphins?
17-year olds be like... 15 comments
ariactina · 10 years ago
Fixed it. Everybody happy. Yayness.
17-year olds be like... 15 comments
ariactina · 10 years ago
I'm spanish and might write some things wrong, sorry.
17-year olds be like... 15 comments
ariactina · 10 years ago
Ahahaha, youtube's comment section... dark place, man, dark place. Don't bother reading them, unless you're purposely trying to get a good laugh.
· Edited 10 years ago
17-year olds be like... 15 comments
ariactina · 10 years ago
I have to disagree. I'm 18, and though I haven't seen breacking bad, I talk with other people of my age, and nothing of this sort has ever reached my ears...
Why? 51 comments
ariactina · 10 years ago
It's the way to cover for the peruvian fat suckers, as they leave the same marks. You can kill it by cutting it's tongue while it's out.