I'm very conflicted here, yes he was creepy, but instead of ignoring his advances and expecting him to just get it, she should have told him straight. She knew what he was after and just blew him off. He may be a creep but she's kind of a bitch.
· 10 years ago
Anyone with even the most rudimentary social skills should know that if a person is ignoring you they don't want to talk to you.
That really only applies to being in person. You can't tell if your being ignored for sure on the internet. It's awfully presumptuous to thing that someone would definitely know you weren't interested just by a lack of response.
No, it also applies to the internet. If they're not replying and you assume they haven't seen the message yet then you don't keep sending messages, just wait. If they never reply then they're obviously ignoring you.
But why must people be so rude as too ignore instead of being honest and just saying how they feel. Regardless of thier social skills, if you are going to just ignore a dude who is making advances and then get pissed when he doesn't stop, you are a grade C bitch in my book.
· 10 years ago
Because some guys take any acknowledgement as an invitation, some guys get irrationally angry and even violent when rejected. It may not be the most polite things to do, but for many women simply ignoring a creep is simply the safest things to do. Also, no one owes you their attention, you do not have the right to another person's time, least of all when you're stalking them.
When it's simply on Facebook and you've already taken the time to reply, a simple "hey sorry, but I'm just not interested" is not that big of a deal. Its just as safe as ignoring them, in fact it may add to the likelyhood of being left alone. Now if this were in person, yes it's a different scenario, but messages on Facebook is a complete different story.
· 10 years ago
Again, no one else owes anyone their time or attention. If you're not getting a reply from a total stranger it's safe to assume you're being ignored.
But that's such a self absorbed way of thinking. No you don't owe your time to anyone but why is it so hard to share it anyway? Even on the Internet, when someone has taken the time to reach out too you, even if it's unwanted, what's so hard about taking 2 seconds to reply to engage them or just turn them away?
· 10 years ago
Maybe because too many people think they have a right to you. Yes it's somewhat self-absorbed to put your own needs first, but it's far more self-absorbed to expect other people, especially strangers, to put your desires ahead of their own.
But that's the point, in this scenario it's not putting their desires above your own, it's putting your lack of desires on the table. Is that such a bad thing?
· 10 years ago
Except they're putting their own desire (a response) above the other person's (being left alone). It's obvious she is uninterested by her ignoring him, he even acknowledges this when he said "You won't have a conversation with me?", he knew she was uninterested and persisted anyway.
“Creepy” is Woman Speak for “An Unattractive Man Who Shows Interest In Me”. while her reaction may be just, it's obvious he dosent have the social skills to get her and instead of dealing with it in a kind manner, like a decent person, she probably caused some damage. tl;dr that was unnecessary.
I don't know about you, but if I found a girl (because I'm male) who would continually message me and then send me a whole paragraph comparing me to book characters and proclaiming that they worship me, I would definitely put an end to it with a way that says, "No, leave me alone, I don't want to date you, weirdo." And that's the way that "Kitty" did. Besides, her personality is different. You may want to get stalked but it doesn't mean she's in the wrong if she doesn't want that.
nowhere did i say it was wrong, i just said that it was unnecessary. i grantee if she was attracted to him and he did this she would not find him creepy. also, putting a stop to it doesn't mean you have to be an asshole about it. notice she didn't say leave me alone till the rant at the end. he was probably thinking that he just needed to be persistent. it's a case of misread signals. that was just cruel and uncalled for.
I disagree. You don't get a girlfriend by saying "I'm a nice guy". He doesn't deserve any sympathy, because that's just creepy and you (generally) should know the difference between Stalking and Asking Out.
Notice how she ignored him for a whole week until she finally ranted. When a few days pass without an answer, you're probably not getting what you want.
I agree with book hoarder, come on, he was obviously doing something that made her uncomfortable, he already said that because she hadn't deleted her account, he figured he could still talk to her. Basically based on a five minute conversation- he now worships her. Saying that was way unnecessary on his part, and it totally warranted her to do whatever she thought was best. And this is the only part we've seen; he was bothering her on Hot Topic's facebook page as well.
He said she hadn't blocked him before he mentioned deleting the account, his meaning is obvious. I also don't see how his actions were "obviously" making her uncomfortable.
Anybody who thinks her rant isn't at least a little over blown needs to reevaluate what they consider an appropriate responses in general.
Murderpie, you're using the stupidest argument. You guarantee she'd go for him if she were attracted to him? Are you really that bad at knowing not just women, but humans in general? I've been attracted to people who then turn out to act like this guy did, pushy and presumptuous, and it makes them look very, very strange and, surprise surprise, creepy, and you wonder what you ever saw in them in the first place. Just because you've heard a comedian say that the difference between romantic and stalker is how hot a guy is to women, doesn't mean it's in any way truthful.
Are you illiterate? If say some girl/guy was really into you, and you were starting to feel awkward and uncomfortable because you don't feel the same, and then you say "I'm not going to date you", in what way are they not related? So please, stop acting like I'm wrong and get some goddamn evidence before you start acting like everyone's wrong but you.
Here's the thing... murderpie might be right, but we lack context. We don't know the whole story. Her blunt smack down may or may not have been justified.
However, they do seem to have a mutual tangential association through other people and she might already know this guy's reputation and MO.
I will say this though... and I do say it from a position of some experience, nearly 100% of the time, kick in the balls blunt is the only way that you can get through to these types of boys.
I say boys intentionally because they are males that haven't finished growing up yet. They need to get their damned heads out of the clouds when dealing with real people in the real world. They need to (finish) grow(ing) up, learn real world relationship skills and how to have realistic social expectations of others.
Hanging up the trenchcoat and Fedora won't hurt either.
You just said the opposite of what you said in your previous post. If someone was into you and you were starting to feel uncomfortable would you or would you not simply say "I'm not interested?" In the first post you said she wouldn't, and in the next one you said you would. Please clarify.
There. Now you can see that my whole string of comments fits up. Really, you're only searching for the mistakes in my comments,which is severely unnecessary. Now you can try to prove how her rant is "overblown". Because you can CLEARLY SEE that this man was basically trying to date her for a whole week. If she wasn't uncomfortable, she probably wouldn't have said anything that would've made this post exist. But she was, and you can see that because she wrote 3 paragraphs of rant.
@jillaroo you've said nothing to disprove my argument. this 'kind' of behavior (cause it manifests itself in many ways) does depend on the person. it is a fact that people in general tend to overlook unattractive behavior from people we like. SO yes, if she was attracted to him and he tracked her down, she would probably not have been so...harsh. Also, please don't cherry pick from my argument to try to discredit the whole thing. my MAIN point is that that was unnecessarily cruel and uncalled for given the context. Finally, just so all you understand the rejection is not the problem, the method is.
Okay, you know what, I'm done. We're all human. We all have differing personalities; it doesn't mean we have to bicker. We all just took it differently like how two friends might differ on the meaning of a song. Now I'm getting kind of annoyed, because apparently the guest really wants me to lose this fight as opposed to supporting his random claim. If the next comment you make is again about my comments, I'm unfollowing, because you're just avoiding something you started.
Lol, "random claim". All I said was that I disagree that she was obviously uncomfortable, and I thought her response was overblown, both of which you actually seem to agree with.
That really only applies to being in person. You can't tell if your being ignored for sure on the internet. It's awfully presumptuous to thing that someone would definitely know you weren't interested just by a lack of response.
Anybody who thinks her rant isn't at least a little over blown needs to reevaluate what they consider an appropriate responses in general.
However, they do seem to have a mutual tangential association through other people and she might already know this guy's reputation and MO.
I will say this though... and I do say it from a position of some experience, nearly 100% of the time, kick in the balls blunt is the only way that you can get through to these types of boys.
I say boys intentionally because they are males that haven't finished growing up yet. They need to get their damned heads out of the clouds when dealing with real people in the real world. They need to (finish) grow(ing) up, learn real world relationship skills and how to have realistic social expectations of others.
Hanging up the trenchcoat and Fedora won't hurt either.
You just said the opposite of what you said in your previous post. If someone was into you and you were starting to feel uncomfortable would you or would you not simply say "I'm not interested?" In the first post you said she wouldn't, and in the next one you said you would. Please clarify.