Oh my god norman. That was the best. I don't think I'd like to be buttraped by a lightning bolt either.
· 10 years ago
omg pretty girl *rapes*
omg pretty guy *rapes*
omg Callisto *disguises as Artemis and rapes*
omg Europa *disguises as cow and rapes*
omg Leda *disguises as swan and rapes*
yeah I def don't want to meet him lol
Are we talking about Christianity? Because I believe that we believe (generally) that our God is completely visible, we just don't have the capacity to see him in his entirety.
· 10 years ago
That isn't isn't what the bible says but interesting opinion!
It's sort of how we don't believe lower life-forms such as bacteria or even insects can comprehend the fullness of humanity. They just go about their own lives. We humans are like those microbes and insects, we can't comprehend the fullness of God even though he's everywhere.
· 10 years ago
They did try to climb it but it got to cold and the lack of oxygen usually stopped them.
omg pretty girl *rapes*
omg pretty guy *rapes*
omg Callisto *disguises as Artemis and rapes*
omg Europa *disguises as cow and rapes*
omg Leda *disguises as swan and rapes*
yeah I def don't want to meet him lol