Don't billions of people actually die every year, though? (Not necessarily killed, but from natural causes, accidents, etc.) It's just that more billions are also born every year.
· 10 years ago
No because then the Earth's population would stay stable or go up really quickly. The actual amount is around a little more than half a billion
· 10 years ago
The earth's population is around 7.2 billion so if, like you said, around 2.5 billion people die every year then around 1/3 people you know would die every year and if there were around 4 billion born every year then pretty much every woman would have to give birth to two or more children every year. Now if you couple those facts then the Earth's population would increase by 1.5 billion every year. That would be a worrying figure :) anyway I'm done... Where's FunStats or Vitalstatistix when you need them?