You all shouldn't cough so much without covering your mouth. Especially in a place like this. Do you know how fast Evola spreads? You're the reason why decepticons can't make love to obgyns. Do you know how many penguins are starving in Antarctica? Probably Matt Damon. But that's not the point so stop changing the subject. Ugh, you are just like your father. The way he was scared of toasters and bitches, so typical. You men think this world was entitled to you. Well how about Morgan Freeman? Did you ever give any thought to why Patrick Stewart is the new teen heartthrob? I'll tell you why. Because the white man tells us so. Or that's what we want the government to think.
What brony in his right mind wears a fedora.
Take your outdated/incorrect internet stereotypes and go home.
And when you get there, don't post/comment unless you have something fun/interesting to say. That's kinda the point of the site, though so many lately seem to miss it...
Take your outdated/incorrect internet stereotypes and go home.
And when you get there, don't post/comment unless you have something fun/interesting to say. That's kinda the point of the site, though so many lately seem to miss it...
Tradagy x Time ~
Like, some people joke about Hitler and such-