And so he spaketh continually, with annoying persistance, til John relented. And peace was found in the house of John. Until the next update was available.
Actually no. I think that pettysoysauce just tried to make a joke by pointing out one of the correct ones. They might have just as well written "Dammit Christianity" or "Dammit Judaism". The question is, though, would you get offended by that too?
If you get offended by things that weren't even meant to be offensive, that's too bad. Boo fucking hoo. Go cry to your mum but first flood the person with red thumbs. Do you feel like you've done an act of righteousness? Well then congratulations. The only thing you achieved is probably making another person feel bad about themselves because YOU misunderstood THEIR joke.
I usually love FS but I swear sometimes I feel it's full of fucking SJWs.
Deadpool: I'm not telling anyone to enjoy a joke. I'm telling people to THINK about it before bitching about its "offensiveness". As to throwing a bitch fit, I've already given up on reasoning with SJWs. It's impossible, so I just fight fire with fire.
Alex: The funny thing is that the people who get offended by every little thing are then the ones who throw the biggest insults with the least of reasoning. Really, "whiny bitch"? Seriously? Ah well, even if I was such, it's said that it takes one to know one.
PS: I was mostly reacting to guest's premature conclusions, but it seems you guys took it personally.
Aww, you poor dear :( the internet getting you down? You're also making an assumption that pettysoysauce was joking, I merely questioned what the user said. Of course I'm the one taking it personally, because I took the time to write two essays to explain that I'm not bitching on the internet, riiight?
In essence, you turned yourself into an SJW, a term you don't seem to fully comprehend. But kudos for learing an abbreviation, that must've been tough.
As I already wrote, I was mostly referring to guest and their assumptions. You took the time to respond, so yes, I guessed you took it personally for some reason, even though your comment was the one I cared the least about. As to what concerns my "writing essays", yes, I do get pissed and carried off when people look for a reason to call something offensive, that I admit. And I get equally pissed when people throw empty accusations around, like your misguided notion, which by the way I've no idea where you got it, about me not knowing the term.
In essence, just because I answered a thread with your comment in it doesn't mean I meant you personally. You got offended? Your problem. I wasn't talking about you in the first place.
· 10 years ago
Listen, ewqua, I personally am very religious and I respect all religions likewise. So in answer to your question earlier: yes, I would get offended if someone said "dammit Christianity" or "dammit Judaism". But pettysoysauce chose Islam. Don't you think we have enough people mocking, ridiculing and insulting Islam as it is? Regardless of whether the pettysoysauce was joking or not. Perhaps you have a personal vendetta against Muslims or Islam and that's why you chose to rush to the opposing side so quickly, defensively and even rudely.
Alex, you still don't understand what I meant. The joke, if I understood correctly, wasn't about any religion, it was about pointing out the thing that was obviously one of the correct ones. It was sarcasm. It's nice that you're deeply religious and that you "respect everybody likewise", but I'm not believing that, honey, not after your first counter argument was "hahaha whiny bitch lololol". But let's drop it. You understood it differently than I did, and honestly, at this point a feedback from the author of the joke would be useful to tell us how they meant it, but whatever.
Deadpool, there's a difference between offended and pissed off. Offended people usually take stuff personally. Me, I just thought I'd break the "somehow make everything either a religious or gender war question" bandwagon. But I agree. You're clearly just having fun. After all the least intelligent ones are usually the happiest ones.
Oh, ewqua, I never said I respect everybody likewise. I said I respect all religions, there is a difference. For example, you going all batshit crazy in your first reply... yeah, "honey", sounds like you need to calm your tits. But whatever religion you believe in, IF you believe at all, I won't say a damn word and would actually love to sit down and have a discussion with you about your faith. Anyways, the fire's gone and let's all just move on. Toodloo~
"A new update is available for download."
If you get offended by things that weren't even meant to be offensive, that's too bad. Boo fucking hoo. Go cry to your mum but first flood the person with red thumbs. Do you feel like you've done an act of righteousness? Well then congratulations. The only thing you achieved is probably making another person feel bad about themselves because YOU misunderstood THEIR joke.
I usually love FS but I swear sometimes I feel it's full of fucking SJWs.
Alex: The funny thing is that the people who get offended by every little thing are then the ones who throw the biggest insults with the least of reasoning. Really, "whiny bitch"? Seriously? Ah well, even if I was such, it's said that it takes one to know one.
PS: I was mostly reacting to guest's premature conclusions, but it seems you guys took it personally.
In essence, just because I answered a thread with your comment in it doesn't mean I meant you personally. You got offended? Your problem. I wasn't talking about you in the first place.
Deadpool, there's a difference between offended and pissed off. Offended people usually take stuff personally. Me, I just thought I'd break the "somehow make everything either a religious or gender war question" bandwagon. But I agree. You're clearly just having fun. After all the least intelligent ones are usually the happiest ones.