It's also why Homer hates him...I shouldn't be telling you this but...
*Looks around nervously, whispers* homer worked for the men in black and he lost his job after an alien criminal broke free when Homer had to watch him... fortunately the alien kept his disguise on and hid in a church where he adopted the Christian faith and turned himself in but that didn't help the fact that the alien got him fired. Homer was one of the best and knew too much so they had to do an intense memory wipe and it caused major brain damage. After the alien was released he found homer and tried to make it up to him but homers hatred couldn't be irazed and that's why he seemingly hates Flanders for no reason and why Flanders is always nice to him regardless....I've... I've said too much *runs*
*Looks around nervously, whispers* homer worked for the men in black and he lost his job after an alien criminal broke free when Homer had to watch him... fortunately the alien kept his disguise on and hid in a church where he adopted the Christian faith and turned himself in but that didn't help the fact that the alien got him fired. Homer was one of the best and knew too much so they had to do an intense memory wipe and it caused major brain damage. After the alien was released he found homer and tried to make it up to him but homers hatred couldn't be irazed and that's why he seemingly hates Flanders for no reason and why Flanders is always nice to him regardless....I've... I've said too much *runs*