Or happy birthmas, as my birthmas born friend says.
· 10 years ago
If you know anyone born on Christmas tell them "they ruined Christmas on the day they were born" if you don't like them but if you do like them then say "you're a Christmas Miracle"
Yeah, actually, you are right! It was a converted Roman emperor who wanted to celebrate the birth of the Lightgiver (Jesus) on the day they worshipped the Roman god of the Sun (gives light too). So actually, people have been doing Christmas wrong their whole life!
It's also because of the Winter Solstice on Dec 21. It's the shortest day but around the 25th was when it was recognizable that the days were getting to be longer again. Because Jesus is the bringer of light, it's logical to place his birthday on the day that it's recognized that the days are getting more light.
Do you guys still get separate presents? Cuz I imagine a scene where someone gives you a present and says, "Here you go! Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday! Btw, this present counts for your birthday AND Christmas."
You deserved to be forgotten. Happy nobody cares birthday child
· 10 years ago
My birthday is today (the 28th). Close enough to be forgotten too. My cousin tried to get her baby to come out two weeks early... trying to have a Christmas baby on purpose. She's still pregnant. ;)