My name is Sean and there is another kid named Sean who was in my math class in year 5.
For half the year we were at each others' throats, trying to become the only Sean in the 5th grade.
· 10 years ago
Well, last year there were 5 people called Nick in my year level (myself included). 2 of them were in my class. Then, in Term 3, another Nick joined our class. We now only refer to each other by our surnames. Saves time, money, and lives.
My name is Toniya and somehow (about 3 years ago) there was another Toniya in my school but she had an h at the end of it and I was so glad to hear that she left the school
My name is sopheary and my sisters name is sopheara so its supposebly confusing so for short they call us sophie which is more confusing so when someone calls out sophie or more commonly ' selfie ' Cuz it sounds like sophie we both turn around.
For half the year we were at each others' throats, trying to become the only Sean in the 5th grade.