I remember I saw this on tumblr and people were saying they wouldn't turn off ( cause they play musoc as well ) even if they submerged them in water or beat the shit out of it. And this one persons mother had to drop it off at a far away dumpster.
Haha i had one on my birthday cake before and this was so funny, the candle wouldn't stop playing music even after we literally destroyed it! It took it a while until it stopped
· 10 years ago
I'd want to light it even though it's not my birthday.
NO, Listen you dont want this candle. this candle is the literal spawn of satan. it tries to decieve you with its flower form but in reality its a possesed demon. if you buy this candle you wont ever see the light of day again. this candle will haunt you for days on end. you will hear the candle in your dreams. the song it makes sounds like an excorcism in the tuneof 'happy birthday'. when my sister was 7 we bought her this candle. it was all fun and games till the candle didnt turn off. EVER. WE EVEN THREW IT IN THE FUCKIN POOL AND HELD IT UNDERWATER FOR MINUTES AND IT WOULDNT TURN OFF. YOU KNOW WHAT IT DID? IT PLAYED ITS SONG IN POSSIBLY THE MOST POSSESSED WAY POSSIBLE. WE KEPT THE CANDLE OUTSIDE BUT I COULD STILL HEAR IT FROM MY ROOM. THIS CANDLE IS SATAN. DONT BUY THIS CANDLE.