No one wants a young baby in a 8-hour long flight, but even if everyone calls his presence "uncomfortable", the flight attendant will just be like "well fuck you, his mother paid for him being on the plane". Couldn't they apply the same policy here?
· 10 years ago
The irony is so strong I could Melt it down and make a suit of armor
You rang? ;)
And nah, I'll just let this one go. It's not exactly offending and from now on I'm going to debate/discuss with people I can actually talk to face to face. Because arguing over the Internet = waste o' tym, ma nigga.
How can I edit myself as to not sound like that? How would you word it?
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What I meant was we have to recognize that not all Middle Easterners are Muslim and switchy-swoo. People seem to think this is the case however, which is mildly irritating to me because it's like calling all Israelis Jews. It may be true to a certain extent, but I'm pretty sure that there are citizens of Israel who aren't Jews.
Starring Sarcastic Downey Jr.
And nah, I'll just let this one go. It's not exactly offending and from now on I'm going to debate/discuss with people I can actually talk to face to face. Because arguing over the Internet = waste o' tym, ma nigga.
You can also click "reply" so you don't have to do @ [name]
What I meant was we have to recognize that not all Middle Easterners are Muslim and switchy-swoo. People seem to think this is the case however, which is mildly irritating to me because it's like calling all Israelis Jews. It may be true to a certain extent, but I'm pretty sure that there are citizens of Israel who aren't Jews.