Nobody truly knows if this sun you talk about is real or not
like many people know, it is a myth
Edited 10 years ago
· 10 years ago
I am forced to go outside everyday. Today, my leg had gotten swollen and is bleeding and my friend got hit with a dart in the leg. Not many people today. A lot have gotten hurt and burned by the sun. Please, never go outside, we don't want to lose you. Plus, there's not Internet outside.
No internet?! Well who would ever want to venture out there?! It's sounds absolutely horrible
· 10 years ago
There were even more accidents today. I got my pizza taken away by a wild animal (little bro smacked it out of my hand and took the rest of my pizza), I fell of a scooter and was bleeding a lot. There were wild cats and dogs and dart throwers EVERYWHERE! PLEASE, I'M BEGGING YOU! DO NOT GO OUTSIDE!
It's this terrible thing. And it a depends on where you are. Where I am, it can be cold as hell in the summer and hot as...the hottest guy the winter. Stay away from outside
To be fair, that puddle is more brilliant than most of the ones you can find outside. Don't be fooled, outside isn't usually that good. Purchase at your own risk!
like many people know, it is a myth