I once had to play something in orchestra that had a hell of a lot of rests, and because I'm the only one who plays a particular instrument, I had no one else to rely on for bar rests :(
I feel your pain, being the only one playing an instrument in a full orchestra sucks ass not only because of the rest but also because everyone is relying on you D: btw What instrument do you play?
I play the viola, it's a lovely instrument, but one of the problems is that my part gets over shadowed by like a million cellos and violins, so my conductor tells me to play 5x as loud, so if something is p, I have to play it as if it's like f lol. What instrument do u play?
· 10 years ago
I think you mean... the cheolin. A.k.a a violin cello cross mix
Yeah the viola is a beautiful instrument and also very undermined. I hate when the director wants you to play a pianisimo as forte but also make it sound like a pianisimo like wtf you want me to do (idk if that ever happened to you ). I play the cello and I have this deep rooted hatred for violins because they always get the pretty parts in songs.
Please only direct you hatred towards first violins, as a second violist I can tell you that we as well are jealous of how awesome the first violin parts are but we always get harmony which never sounds as good (some times I try to play along with the first violins because their parts are so cool yet unfortunately I'm not good enough to move up)
Yeah that's true haha, I should call the viola a ceolin, make it sound really exotic haha. Yeah I feel you, I once had a solo in the orchestra, there was also this pressure not to screw it up in the performance haha
I agree with usuallythoughtful. I play in the same quartet as Sakana (we're friends! :3) and that quartet can basically be renamed 'First Violin + 3 others'.
Oh hey guest! Good to hear from you, yeah, I found this funny meme of quartets, and it is so true haha (except for the bad violin), I'll post the link
EDIT: I found it, but because it's on Pinterest, it may ask for a sign in to view https://www.pinterest.com/pin/292945150736697864/
I forgot about the second violins (sorry!). First violins are like the popular kids that everybody knows and the rest are the kids people real I at there but never actually care for them. That meme is perfect and hilarious.
I doubt it lol unless you're going to college in south texas :D I think violins are just overall overrated.Like seriously without all of us rhythm players an orchestra wouldn't sound so beautiful but, still the prejudice continues D:
I was joking haha, yeah that's true, it's always important to have those back up instrumentalists. It'd be weird going to a concert or opera where the soloist is playing/singing and there's nothing in the background to provide a bit of substance to it
Some times being a brass player in a full orchestra sometimes is amazing sometimes it sucks alot
· 10 years ago
Being one of three French hornists is nice. The conductor plays the instrument, and one of the other guys is really good, so we never get picked on for playing badly :P
Well I said it sucks being a brass player because of the endless rests
· 10 years ago
The hornist I mentioned earlier (the good one) told me about another band he was in, and they had this one song where he snapped his fingers for 40 bars and then played for 6 xD
EDIT: I found it, but because it's on Pinterest, it may ask for a sign in to view https://www.pinterest.com/pin/292945150736697864/