My cat is a 12kg ex street cat. Hes the gentlest guy in the world and very docile considering his past but one day I kicked my foot and broke my toe yelling loudly in the process, immediately he rushed from out the front of the house barreling to me he stood next to me looking around all big and ready to fight all the while headbutting me, i've never seen a cat do that before. Hes a real sweetheart. I guess cats can surprise us :)
· 10 years ago
Your cats are all secretly dogs my statement still stands
My cat hissed and attacked my grandpa's hand when he came in my room at night. She growled until he left. She's also cuddles whenever I'm sad and when I was suicidal when I was younger, she could always tell when I had a bad day and would come cheer me up. Meanwhile, my dog barks at leaves, and growls at every dog that passes the house.
When my sister and I played hide and seek when we were little our cats( one in particular) would meow loudly and circle where we were hiding. Every time. Thanks cats!
· 10 years ago
Maybe they were worried because your friends were trying to find you. Or maybe confused.