God... That's... I don't even know what to say..... Nuclear weapons are devastating.... They could have just been enjoying their lunch and never would have anticipated something like that... The definition of being in the wrong place at the wrong time
· 10 years ago
It's so sad :( what's even worse is that this isn't the end of it. Humanity will definitely fall into another world war and, well, nuclear strikes are inevitable.
The world may just become an empty planet with permanent shadows etched across its barren remains...
it's sad but it was right to happen. i have asked japs about it and they said in there culture its wrong to surrender and more people would have died. probably right. quicker than it needed to be and less deaths. thankfully a nuclear bomb will usually vaporize you
*reader discretion advised graphic content*
Everybody needs to read about the "ant walking alligator men" basically these victims where far enough away from the blast that they weren't vaporized. these victims had their faces melted eyeballs dissolved to the point were their skin was black had no remnants of their faces except for a gaping hole where their mouth was. they had no tongues so they couldn't scream so they made this indistinct murmur they wouldn't die for another hour or so due to organ failure. sorry to gross anybody out
it's good that you're letting people know what a dick america is. i'm being serious. my country is a big cocksucking dick. (WOAH DICKURSION) (dickception for those dummies out there.)
You are half right everybody should love their country but everybody should be able to back that up along with hating other people they should have their reasons
i went to Hiroshima at the starting of the year and there are memorials everywhere and Hiroshima peace park which is nearly the exact location the bomb went off
This whole piece of stone is in the Hiroshima museum. It's the steps of a bank from memory, they reckon the person was waiting for it to open when the bomb went off. Anyway they've excavated the whole thing and moved it into the museum, which is a fascinating and beautiful and terrible place, and highly recommended.
The world may just become an empty planet with permanent shadows etched across its barren remains...
Everybody needs to read about the "ant walking alligator men" basically these victims where far enough away from the blast that they weren't vaporized. these victims had their faces melted eyeballs dissolved to the point were their skin was black had no remnants of their faces except for a gaping hole where their mouth was. they had no tongues so they couldn't scream so they made this indistinct murmur they wouldn't die for another hour or so due to organ failure. sorry to gross anybody out