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· 10 years ago
fuckin' PREACH
· 10 years ago
domestic violence is a problem for everyone, men women and children. the more we talk about it the less likely it happens.
· 10 years ago
I'll probably get downvoted to hell, but 1 in 5 is nowhere near as many as 4 in 5. I understand that men get hit as well, but I'm really tired of getting attacked just because I don't talk about the minority whenever I bring up domestic violence.
· 10 years ago
It is only 1 in 5 because most men feel embarrassed to admit that their girlfriend/wife beats them. Most of these women are half their size. So they don't call the police. They don't tell anyone. If you see a guy walk down the street with marks on his face, you will think he caused them. You see a girl with the same marks, you will think who did that to her. If men admitted they were being attacked that number would be greater. Maybe it be 1 in 2.
Edited 10 years ago
· 10 years ago
They should bring up domestic violence in schools a little more because I really need to be more educated about the subject.
· 10 years ago
Preach mrscollector. As someone who's good male friend was in an abusive relationship it's good to hear people speaking out. And just saying hiapoe, everyone is talking about the 4/5. Not many people are talking about the other side.
· 10 years ago
Actually Mrscollector thats inaccurate as well, yes men don't speak out as much as women do but its estimated only 60% women report domestic violence incidents. Im not a maths wizard but the ratio of abuse towards women still outweighs men by at least 70% which is staggering. Men need to know they are able to seek help but at the same time women are still being murdered not enough is being done for them and alot of people are likely to use these kind of things to shut people down when it comes to womens rights.
· 10 years ago
What about the men playing the victim after a woman defends herself from his brutality??
· 10 years ago
So kinda like when women lie about being raped? People don't lie about abuse.
· 10 years ago
Can i just say that this statistic is actually incorrectly worded. The real statistic is 1 in 5 assaults the victim is male buuuuut the person assaulting isn't always female, its actually taking into account gay relationships with a whopping 1 in t3 of these incidents being between a gay couple. The real statistic is actually 82% of the assaults were perpetrated by men and 18% by women, no men have ever died from these assaults but a staggering 1.5 women die every WEEK from domestic abuse. Yes men are as much victims of this abuse and should feel supported but not enough is being done to curb the violence toward women. The sad thing is these posts are suppose to raise awareness but then assholes will use it as a slap in the face to feminism, women and anything else they hate. It makes me sad to the bone that women still have to justify why were so upset and frustrated of the situation we live in.