It's not that it isn't true, such as the Old Testament. It's just that the New Testament gives us a new set of laws to live by. Not exactly more lenient, but different. My pastor calls them the "Laws of Love."
RIGHT?! Like has anyone even picked up a bible and read any of leviticus? Because that sh!t's crazy. Don't get me wrong I'm all for the new testament, I'm a religious girl but the old testament has some weird stuff in it....
· 10 years ago
*cough cough* that part where the guy cut off 200 foreskins *cough*
I really have nothing against religion, but there is some crazy stuff in the bible, and if you decide that everything in there is something to live by, I am going to decide that there is something wrong with you. Therefore, I reserve the right to tell anyone who pulls out "the bible says so" to leave me alone.
It would be a good idea to read the thing so that when someone says "It's in the Bible," you know the whole story. Some things that are "in the Bible"caused punishment for the person, so just cuz it's there doesn't mean you should do it (e.g., conceiving an heir with your wife's maid because you think your wife can't get pregnant). Also, there are plenty of people who *do* go by it as the Word of God, but actually know that "an eye for an eye" was an Old Testament restriction against someone harming another more severely than he was harmed. Plus, Jesus said to forgive your enemies.
Just because you don't like XYZ that's in the Bible doesn't make it false.
Just because you don't like XYZ that's in the Bible doesn't make it false.